Slant Six Forum

Super Six Intake to Exhaust Manifold- Bolts or Studs?
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Author:  InThePink [ Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Super Six Intake to Exhaust Manifold- Bolts or Studs?

When removing the manifolds from my Super Six, the two outboard bolts or studs which bolt the intake and exhaust manifolds (around the warm up pocket or whatever it's correctly called) broke off :x , leaving broken bolts or studs in the exhaust manifold.

Are these bolts or studs? I don't have the top half of the broken off pieces anymore.

Also, do these bolts or studs pass all the way through the threaded holes and out the bottom, or are there actually four separate studs? I know the bottom two are studs, just not sure if they are one with the pieces that broke off.

If they are one piece, maybe I'll get lucky and can double nut the remianing studs to remove them....

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Long bolts. Use stainless when you replace them so they don't rust up.
I drilled the exhaust manifold out so the bolts pass all the way through with washers, locks and nuts. All stainless steel.....Same with the big bolt on the other side too!

Author:  InThePink [ Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Long bolts. Use stainless when you replace them so they don't rust up.
I drilled the exhaust manifold out so the bolts pass all the way through with washers, locks and nuts. All stainless steel.....Same with the big bolt on the other side too!
Thanks. I'm gonna need some drill bits... :x

Author:  Sam Powell [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Long bolts. Use stainless when you replace them so they don't rust up.
I drilled the exhaust manifold out so the bolts pass all the way through with washers, locks and nuts. All stainless steel.....Same with the big bolt on the other side too!
Thanks. I'm gonna need some drill bits... :x
I agree with Ted. It is not that hard to drill out. It should only take a few minutes. Even whent hy have not been broken, I have removed them, drilled through the holes and installed long SS bolts.


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