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exhaust gas temperature.
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Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  exhaust gas temperature.

I'm going to be using a narrow-band O2 sensor as a A/F meter.

But it seems that you need to know the exhaust temp to use a narrow band

So anybody know the typical EGTs for cruise and WOT?

Author:  MitchB [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now matter how you look at it, you will never be able to use a narrow band sensor to accurately determine your air/fuel ratio. No matter what you read or what anyone might tell you... The only way is to use a good wide band setup and mount it correctly. Seriously, this has been discussed every which way you can imagine. Get a good wide band and follow the mounting the recommended by the manufacturer. Also, a wide band is really only accurate at or near WOT. Part throttle does not put enough heat into a wide band. On computer cars, we look at the HEGO switching to determine the correct A/F calibration. Also of note is all wide bands are affected by relative barometric pressure and unless you correct for this, your calculations will be off.


Author:  emsvitil [ Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Will you buy a wideband for me? :wink:

I already have a narrowband, and a digital voltmeter, so I'm at 'something's better than nothing'.............

Can't afford a wideband at the moment. :cry:

Author:  rock [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  So Mitch, what is "wide open"?


I just bought the NGK Powerdex and put the bung in this weekend. Ready to test, but your note briings me up short..what is wide open?

Is it the max I ever plan to be running regularly, as 4,000 rpm, or is it the (for me) momentary max rpm I might be brave enough to dial up under the hood by turning the throttle adjustment screw wide open?


Author:  MitchB [ Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So Mitch, what is "wide open"?


I just bought the NGK Powerdex and put the bung in this weekend. Ready to test, but your note briings me up short..what is wide open?

Is it the max I ever plan to be running regularly, as 4,000 rpm, or is it the (for me) momentary max rpm I might be brave enough to dial up under the hood by turning the throttle adjustment screw wide open?

WOT - your wide band will loose accuracy at anything less than wide open throttle or near WOT/heavy load. Engine load is the critical factor, not engine speed. I will see if I can find the pressure compensation chart -I should have it on my home PC.


Author:  rock [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Well I sure didn't know that Mitch!


Well I sure didn't know that Mitch. Sounds as if you are saying WOT is a term used for an engine say, at highway cruise, when you decide to stomp down and reducing vac to near or at zero. Easy enough to arrange but I would never have thougt to do it without you reply.


Author:  steponmebbbboom [ Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wide open throttle means balls to the mat. Put your foot to the floor and you are at wide open throttle.

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