Slant Six Forum

A904 Not Shifting I Think ?
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Author:  Family Scamp [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  A904 Not Shifting I Think ?

I think I am having a problem with my transmission shifting. The car is 1973 ply scamp with a SL6 and an A904 transmission. I noticed on the highway it seemed to be dragging and I noticed when I take my foot off the accelerator it slows downs as if I’m in the wrong gear. I checked the service manual for shift speeds and it states 1st to -2nd @ 9-13mph and then 2nd to 3rd @ 14-17 mph. I took it out and it feels like it shifts at about these speeds but still drags on the highway at 60 -70 mph. I then hooked up my tachometer and it reads 1st - 2nd at 1500 rpm and then drops after the shift to about 1300 rpm. 2nd – 3rd 1800 rpm then drops after the shift to 1500 rpm. At this time I am going about 35 mph and as I accelerate to 60 -65 mph the rpm’s creep up to 2200 -2550. This does not seem right. Shouldn’t the rpm’s be about 1000 -1500 after all the shifts? Any thoughts on what’s wrong or how to adjust?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds perfectly normal to me. Once the transmission is in high gear you have to increase engine speed to increase vehicle speed.

How's the acceleration and fuel economy?

Author:  Family Scamp [ Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks I guess I thought the RPM's would drop to about 1500 or so on the last shift and stay there but I suppose your right once in the last gear at 20 MPH then the RPM's can only go up as speed increases. I still don't like the big drag I feel when I let off the gas at 65 MPH. The acceleration is not great a little sluggish. And for fuel economy the MPG is about 14 -16.

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