Slant Six Forum

'73 Scamp Rebuild!!
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Author:  twiggster007 [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  '73 Scamp Rebuild!!

Hi all,

Thought I'd take the time to upload photos of the Scamp's Slant6 I'm rebuilding. Unfortunately no camera was available for pics before all the work started, but I'm getting in-process shots now and will have finish photos soon!!!

Here's The Scamp!!!

Pre-prep Valve Cover -- This isn't TOO bad, the block was way worse!!!

Engine Right Side -- No rust left on this block!!!

Engine Left Side -- Dig those brassy freeze plugs!!!

Just FYI, all the accessories are getting painted black, including oil and fuel pumps, dipstick tube, air cleaner, dizzy, etc., etc... incidentally, it was noted that rust is already starting to accumulate on a 3 month old brake booster, so it's getting removed and painted also.

Thanx for looking guys, and I hope you all enjoy the process!!! Check back for updated pics!!!


Author:  THOR [ Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seriously? What is the name of the color on the block you are using? That looks so sweet!


Author:  twiggster007 [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  73 Scamp Rebuild!!

I can't recall exactly what it's called, but there's plenty of empty cans to consult!! Will be back at it later today, and I'll upload more pics AND the paint's part number!!! :)

Author:  twiggster007 [ Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  '73 Scamp Rebuild!!

Hey all!!

Got plenty of new pics on the Scamp's progress Enjoy!!!!

Engine Right Side

Front -- Water pump in progress

Valve Lash Adjustment --- runnin like a champ!!!

Flex Plate Installation

Intake Manifold cleaned n painted!!

Exhaust Manifold Cracked!!!

Exhaust Manifold back from the brazer, painted and mated!!!

Wrapping it up with belts, fan and shroud.

I guess that's good for now... more pics are coming later!! Any questions or comments are always welcomed!!

Author:  74DartSport [ Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey twiggster007, I see your 73 is an a/c car. The metal hose that runs down the passenger side fender has bent pieces attached with a single screw that holds the line down. Could you post pictures showing those hold down locations? How many hold downs?

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