Slant Six Forum

manifold gaskets, super 6 mileage
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Author:  runningbird [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  manifold gaskets, super 6 mileage

I know this has been discussed but I just can't find it right now for some reason. I am fixing up a 71 duster for my daughter and I need something besides the thin metal gasket that goes between the intake and exhaust manifolds.
on a side note, I can not believe what good milage this thing gets with the two bbl compared to the single. Just gotta get this exhaust leak taken care of.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: or Penstar gaskets from Australia.

How good is the mileage?
Are you sing the stock BBD for a slant six?
What year setup did you use?

Author:  runningbird [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am using the intake and carb off a 70 dodge 1/2 ton truck.
thanks for the help on the gasket.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:21 pm ]
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What is the difference in mileage between the two set ups?

Author:  runningbird [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

oh sorry
we are getting about 28 with the 2bbl. we got about 19-20 with the single

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Super! That is what I used to get with my 77 Volare' when I wasn't pulling our 19' boat.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

It is very much worth your while to get the good gaskets for the manifolds-to-head and intake-to-exhaust junctions.

Author:  Fab64 [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just ordered a set of the Australian gaskets Dan recommends, and I'm waiting for them now.

Can you please tell me what make and model 2bbl carb you're using? My engine's out for a rebuild right now, but I have a Carter 2425 2bbl that I'll be putting on it. Just before I pulled the engine, I swapped in a 2bbl intake manifold and this carb and the car ran MUCH better. Didn't get a chance to check mileage though.

Author:  runningbird [ Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

it is a carter. I will be home tuesday and check out the modle number.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Both the Carter BBS/BBD and the Holley 1920/2280 have their benefits and drawbacks. There are things to prefer about both designs, and at this late date (when one must generally take what one can find), often the biggest carb-related factor in how well and efficiently the engine runs is the condition of the carb, rather than its make or model. The BBS does generally tend to age more gracefully than the 1920 with respect to durability of metering accuracy (the 1920's metering block tends to clog up and die), but the 1920 ages better with respect to physical condition (the BBS body castings tend to warp). The Holleys are easier to re-jet, but the Carters have more thoughtful float designs. As with any carburetor, you kinda have to pick your set of compromises and go with it. It's easy when you've got the choice of a new or as-new Carter, say, versus a used/worn Holley (or vice versa). The choice gets tougher if you have the choice of a new/as-new Carter vs. a new/as-new Holley! :shock: :cool:

Author:  dusterguy225 [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

How is everyone getting better gasmilage than me!?! :? I get about 17 mpg in the city, but I have heard that I could be in the 20s! :shock: Whats up with that?

Author:  THOR [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

My 1974 Swinger, Modded holley 1920, 2.76 rear with A904, cast-crank juice motor, 27 mpg net freeway, 20-21 in town. My '71 did the same, it was lighter, but the engine was pretty tired.

LowerClassYouth's 1973 Duster, Stock 276k on bottom end, new valves/seats 115k ago, 2.76 rear, A904, and you guessed it, holley 1920 (non modded)... 26 mpg net freeway, about 22 in town.

How's that?


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 


It is all with the tuning of the carb, valve lash, recurve on the distributor, vacuum pod tuning, etc.......also it looks like you have some good size tires on your car and you may need to spin it on a chassis dyno and have the speedo verified. That usually runs about $40. I had mine done and keep a certified slip in the glove box. That way I can verify tuning changes and how it effects mileage.

Author:  kafer65 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:02 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm getting about 10mpg with the pickup city mostly. I don't have a vacuum advance distributor with unknown timing setting. It has a 3.55 diff. It has a newly installed holley 1 barrel and an electric pump added. I'm almost positive its getting too much fuel pressure but is there hope for my mileage? I don't expect much but was hoping for the low teens.
XW Falcon

Author:  dusterguy225 [ Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

It is all with the tuning of the carb, valve lash, recurve on the distributor, vacuum pod tuning, etc.......also it looks like you have some good size tires on your car and you may need to spin it on a chassis dyno and have the speedo verified. That usually runs about $40. I had mine done and keep a certified slip in the glove box. That way I can verify tuning changes and how it effects mileage.
Well the carb is stock and tuned (im guessing) how my grandpa likes it. I have no idea what recurve is or vacuum pod tuning is. :oops: My speedo is about 3 mph off (over), I have passed many many cops and they have done nothing (knock on wood) :D

I am getting about 20 mpg city now, but I think it could be a little better.

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