Slant Six Forum

braided lines Item number: 230299270072
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Author:  lincparts [ Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  braided lines Item number: 230299270072

has anyone seen these? They are an e-bag item, Stainless briaded brake lines e bay Item number: 230299270072, 3 lines for $69.00. wondering if it would improve drum brake feel....... anyone got any input?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

If they are as advertised, they look like good quality, properly-certified items at a good price. What aspect of feel are you trying to improve?

Author:  lincparts [ Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  pedal presure

I was hoping to decrease pedal pressure as the wife claims that it takes "too much effoft" to bring down the speeds. I was hoping that i could more closeley adjust the drums and lessen the "flex" of the rubber lines and improve pedal effort and response. I've driven cars with braided lines before and the brake feel is awesome. I want some of that feel without ditching the 9 inch drums.

Author:  Jopapa [ Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pedal presure

I was hoping to decrease pedal pressure as the wife claims that it takes "too much effoft" to bring down the speeds. I was hoping that i could more closeley adjust the drums and lessen the "flex" of the rubber lines and improve pedal effort and response. I've driven cars with braided lines before and the brake feel is awesome. I want some of that feel without ditching the 9 inch drums.
My truck has pretty big brakes and I noticed a difference when I went from OEM rubber hoses to SS braided ones. You have you be VERY careful there's no way to them to chafe though. After several years of running the braided hoses, I burst one of my rears when I had to dynamite the brake pedal to avoid hitting a deer. The rubber/teflon inner tubing had burst through the spot that the braiding was worn through. Made it an ugly drive the rest of the way home.

Short story, I think good SS braided hoses make a nice difference in pedal feel and are worth it.

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