Slant Six Forum

Alloy block Head gaskets
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Author:  bellybob [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Alloy block Head gaskets

Hi all,

Just wondering if a copper /6 head gasket would work for an Alloy block, or must it be the true nos one thats copper on bottom and fibreous ontop.

They are impossible to find in Australia but I found a guy in the US with copper ones and I'm just wondering if they are the same as the old ones, as the bloke doesn't seem to know.

Also any special coolant i should use, what sort of maintenance would need to be done to keep the block good for as long as possible?



Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 


I'm not sure if anyone has tried a straight copper gasket on an alloy block, but it could work with the right tricks/sealants, and maybe some custom block prep.

There are rumors of an Aussie gasket company starting to make MLS (multi-layer steel) head gaskets for the alloy and iron blocks. SlantSixDan is looking into this. Would be a great thing for all Slant buildups...


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