Slant Six Forum

Fuel line size Edelbrock 500
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Author:  pinkiedog64 [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Fuel line size Edelbrock 500

The engine is finally about to go in. Everything is done and all put together, I jsut have to put it in. The question I have is do I need to run larger diameter fuel line (from tank to pump to filter to carb) for the Edelbrock 500 I'll be using, and if so, what size do I use? The stock line that came with the stock 1 bbl 225 is in there now. The truck is a '64 Dodge D100. To refresh on what's in the motor: .100 off the head, big valves, 340 springs, ported, 3 angle, balanced rods and pistons, ARP rod bolts, 280 deg. .465" cam, double roller chain, clifford shorties, Offenhauser 4 bbl intake, Edelbrock 500, electronic ignition.

Author:  ceej [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

You shouldn't need to.

What transmission do you have in your pickup?


Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

If your not drag racing, I wouldn't think you would need to change it.

Author:  RDJ [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

the fuel inlet nipple on the Eddie 500 is for 3/8 hose, but I manage to cram my 5/16 on there. Haven't had any problems. The engine has a similar build to yours.

Author:  pinkiedog64 [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

The transmission is an A745 three on the tree with 3:91 gears in the rear with 31" tires. I will however, likely switch to 3.55 gears for better cruising. I won't be drag racing it, but will probably (definitely) be putting my foot in it on the occasion.

Just out of shear curiousity, how much difference do you guys think I'll be able to notice in driving this thing with the rebuilt "high performance" motor vs. the stock worn out motor I had in it? I know I won't have big block power or anything, but being able to notice some kind of power difference would be nice.

Author:  ceej [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

You should find it quite noticeable. You've got a lot of cam, but being manual should take care of things.


Author:  rock [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Pinkie dog, on my '64...

Man, we ought to meet some time!

My 64 d100 is built with the basic configuration you have and after driving mine for 30 years with that same 3 speed and 3.91 you have, yeh, I notice a real difference. I have added other goodies such as better wiring, GM alternator, MSD ignition adn EI, swpped the Eddy for a Holley , Dutras and so on, but basically the same except for tranny.

I first put in a 833OD and loved it , but then went to a 727 with a ratchet shifter and a 2000 stall convertor from Midwest.. The biggest difference is everything happens a lot faster and sounds a lot better than in the old stomp you go! BUT, I would get real tired of that column shift jamming up with speed shifts pretty soon, so be thinking about an auto swap with a ratchet shifter like a Hurst Promatic or Quarter stick. Wind, tap, shift...what a hoot. Incidentally I have a complete 3 speed column shift left over from my parts acquiring days. If you want a spare set, lemme know. Oh, from having put in both the 833 and the 727, I found they use the same driveshaft...if you want one made to order I have a spare you could get.

As to Eddy fuel line, I went with stock and never had a moment's hesitation. If you get into regular racing you might want more, but you won't need to now. I loved that Eddy..I just sold mine so I wouldn't be tempted to put it back on and mess up something runnig perfectly. My email I will PM you so I can send you some pics of how nice an engine can look in a painted compartment.


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