Slant Six Forum

Distributor timing adjustment plate pic or explained
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Author:  kafer65 [ Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Distributor timing adjustment plate pic or explained

I've accumulated a 3874876 distributor to begin converting to electronic ignition from the lean burn thats limping along now. I need a proper timing adjustment plate for it so if anyone has a line on one please let me know. I also need a pictoral of how it fits on the distributor. The one I have has a groove around the shaft where there is a seal but the seal is thinner than the grove it sits in. This makes me wonder if the plate goes there. The dizzy I have has a small plate bolted to the 7/16 bolt but it has no adjustment slot at the bolt and where it goes around the dizzy shaft it is much bigger around than the shaft. Illuminate me please.
Yamaha Virago 750 history

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Distributor timing adjustment plate pic or explained

I've accumulated a 3874876 distributor to begin converting to electronic ignition from the lean burn thats limping along now. I need a proper timing adjustment plate for it so if anyone has a line on one please let me know.
Why not just swap on the distributor hold-down plate from your present Lean Burn distributor?
The dizzy I have has a small plate bolted to the 7/16 bolt but it has no adjustment slot at the bolt
That's the later type, used with a hold-down fork that bolts to the block — just like V8s and most other distributor hold-downs. This fork-and-ring arrangement is more convenient than the slotted-plate type, so if you have the hold-down fork, by all means use that setup.

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