Slant Six Forum

Electrical Problem [I Think]
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Author:  jmccabe [ Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Electrical Problem [I Think]

first of all i have a 1970 Plymouth valiant and this morning i was pulling out of my driveway and i was about to put into first and drive away and suddenly the car shut off and my radio, lights, and windshield wipers wouldn't turn on! so my friend tried to jump start it so i hooked it up and started the car and it began to fry his jumper cables. so we pushed the car into the garage and it sat all day. and then i came home 8 hours later and tried to start it and it started like a champ PLUS my dash lights that never turned on went on! i don't get it does anyone have any suggestions about what happened?..............
a couple days later...

i replaced my alternator and i drove it a bit today and i was on my way home and i got to my street and my car suddenly died i was able to coast into my driveway!!!! no electronics would turn on and no sound from the starter!!!!!!! whats going on??????? and yes my alternator was installed correctly

Author:  steponmebbbboom [ Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:54 am ]
Post subject: 

double post... just ask for the old one to be moved.

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