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 Post subject: products report
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 5:21 am 
I just put some stuff on my car and I wanted to tell you about it.

addco 1 1/8 front sway bar. It only took about a hour and a half to do and 150$ for the kit thru summit. The improvment in handling is great, I hardly get any body roll while driving it on the street. The install was a little tricky with only me, I used a jack for each side so I could move the suspenion up and down, but everything else bolted right up.

lokar kick down is also a great part to use. Its clean and easy to install. I did have to make a braket to fit my sideways carb but that was it.

I also put kyb front shocks that are just so much better then the old ones that were in there. The one did not have any pressure in it at all.

I have notting but good things to say about all of these products. I have not yet put the moser axels w/ green bearings in or the new center section for my turbo but I will let you know.

andrew wagner

 Post subject: Re: products report
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 12:39 pm 
: I just put some stuff on my car and I wanted to
: tell you about it.
: addco 1 1/8 front sway bar. It only took about
: a hour and a half to do and 150$ for the kit
: thru summit. The improvment in handling is
: great, I hardly get any body roll while
: driving it on the street. The install was a
: little tricky with only me, I used a jack
: for each side so I could move the suspenion
: up and down, but everything else bolted
: right up.
: lokar kick down is also a great part to use.
: Its clean and easy to install. I did have to
: make a braket to fit my sideways carb but
: that was it.
: I also put kyb front shocks that are just so
: much better then the old ones that were in
: there. The one did not have any pressure in
: it at all.
: I have notting but good things to say about all
: of these products. I have not yet put the
: moser axels w/ green bearings in or the new
: center section for my turbo but I will let
: you know.
: andrew wagner

Hey Andrew,

Sounds like a great bunch of bang-for-your-buck mods. One comment: you might want to weld all of the Addco sway bar mount pieces together and maybe add some gusseting and weld them to the K-frame in front. Also, weld the shock/end=link angle brackets to the lower control arms. I had this same bar on my '68 for 9 years, and it eventually twisted the bolted K-frame mounts OFF. I welded everything solid, and now the bar doesn't flex around so much.



 Post subject: Re: Sway Bars are a Must
PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2002 9:24 pm 
: Hey Andrew,
: Sounds like a great bunch of bang-for-your-buck
: mods. One comment: you might want to weld
: all of the Addco sway bar mount pieces
: together and maybe add some gusseting and
: weld them to the K-frame in front. Also,
: weld the shock/end=link angle brackets to
: the lower control arms. I had this same bar
: on my '68 for 9 years, and it eventually
: twisted the bolted K-frame mounts OFF. I
: welded everything solid, and now the bar
: doesn't flex around so much.
: Cheers,
: Lou

We spend so much time talking about engine and driveline up-grades that the suspension is often overlooked.

As for "bang for the buck" add-ons, you can't bet a set of antisway bars on an A-Body. If asked, I would say that adding front and rear anti-sway bars is the first major add-on improvement you should do.

As Andrew noted, the addition of swaybays transforms the car into a "sportscar" and makes it really fun to drive.

Lou's tip on welding & reinforcing the sway bar mounts is good advice, especially when using the thicker 1 1/8 (Addco #751) front bar. If you do not weld them in, be sure to check the bolt tightness ever month or two because the mounting will loosen-up.

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