Slant Six Forum

oil pan/timing cover gaskets
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Author:  Mike [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  oil pan/timing cover gaskets

Hey Guys! I have my oil pan, timing cover,
valve cover, and water pump off my old A100
van I just bought. The van only has 58000
miles on it and was leaking oil, so I decided
to replace all the gaskets. The thing hasn't
even been licensed since 1987. All the seals
and gaskets are dry and brittle, but the motor
runs great.

Anyway, what are the tricks to sealing the oil
pan to the block/timing cover as far as using silicone?

Also, the water pump and timing cover seem to
have a bolt or two that go into the water
jacket, I take it I should apply silicone to
these bolts too?

I would like to replace the rear main seal while
I'm in there too. I've read a few posts where
people have replaced them with no problems?
Should I worry about not being able to get the
old rope seal out or getting the new rubber
seal in? Is it pretty easy?

Any tricks would be greatly appreciated in
replacing any gaskets mentioned??

Thanks a lot.....BTW - great page!!


Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Tue Feb 12, 2002 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oil Pan Sealing Info. *PIC*

: Hey Guys! I have my oil pan, timing cover,
: valve cover, and water pump off my old A100
: van I just bought. The van only has 58000
: miles on it and was leaking oil, so I decided
: to replace all the gaskets. The thing hasn't
: even been licensed since 1987. All the seals
: and gaskets are dry and brittle, but the motor
: runs great.
: Anyway, what are the tricks to sealing the oil
: pan to the block/timing cover as far as using
: silicone?
: Also, the water pump and timing cover seem to
: have a bolt or two that go into the water
: jacket, I take it I should apply silicone to
: these bolts too?
: I would like to replace the rear main seal
: while
: I'm in there too. I've read a few posts where
: people have replaced them with no problems?
: Should I worry about not being able to get the
: old rope seal out or getting the new rubber
: seal in? Is it pretty easy?
: Any tricks would be greatly appreciated in
: replacing any gaskets mentioned??
: Thanks a lot.....BTW - great page!!
: Mike

The key to getting gaskets to seal is to get eveything clean and make sure all the parts (including the gaskets) "fit-up" well. If all is done right, you will need very little silicon sealer.

We put together a quick webpage / article showing some of the steps and tricks, see the link below for all the details.

Oil Pan Gasket Installation

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