Slant Six Forum

Timing gear installation
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Author:  Mike [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Timing gear installation

Hey all. Is it normal to have to tap the timing
gear on the crankshaft when replacing the timing
set? The original came off pretty hard with the
correct puller and then I had to tap the new one
on with a small piece of pipe over the crank end.

Is this normal? Is there a chance of messing up
the thrust bearing?

I didn't hammer, just had to tap probably 100-150
times with a small body hammer.


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing gear installation

Just a quick trick I learned from my grandfather and some friends is to bake the crank gear, or heat it with a propane torch to get it hot enough to expand. It should just slip on the crank and when it cools it'll be snug as a bug.


Author:  Tom Gilsdorf [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing gear installation

: Just a quick trick I learned from my
: grandfather and some friends is to bake the
: crank gear,

My wife REALLY hates this part of engine assembly! I've also been known to bake the Harmonic balancer too. About 225F for a half hour or so, a little orange sauce on the side......yummmmm. A pair of welding gloves really comes in handy. I usually end up buying new hot mitts if I don't have welding gloves.


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