Slant Six Forum

66' valiant
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Author:  matt g [ Mon Feb 11, 2002 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  66' valiant

66' been sitting for 4 yrs ,cam turns ,new plugs /points ,battery . lights won,t come on ,or crank. Live on the coast ,so the rust might have affected the grounds . Where do I start .How do i test the resistor ? help !!!! matt g

Author:  Doc. [ Tue Feb 12, 2002 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 66' valiant start-up

: 66' been sitting for 4 yrs ,cam turns ,new
: plugs /points ,battery . lights won,t come
: on ,or crank. Live on the coast ,so the rust
: might have affected the grounds . Where do I
: start .How do i test the resistor ?

Sounds like a bad fuseable link or alturnator gauge.

Will the engine crank if you connect the two wire posts comming out of the starter? (bridge them with a screwdriver or piece of metal) Give that a try, if it cranks, hotwire the coil and see if it will start.

Author:  matt g [ Tue Feb 12, 2002 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 66' valiant start-up

: Sounds like a bad fuseable link or alturnator
: gauge.
: Will the engine crank if you connect the two
: wire posts comming out of the starter?
: (bridge them with a screwdriver or piece of
: metal) Give that a try, if it cranks,
: hotwire the coil and see if it will start.
: DD

havent tried bridging starter yet ,but shouldnt the lights or turn signals work w/out starting ?

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 66' valiant start-up

: havent tried bridging starter yet ,but shouldnt
: the lights or turn signals work w/out
: starting ?

If the alt gauge is bad, or terminals loose or broken, then nothing will work.


Author:  Drew Belobaba [ Fri Feb 22, 2002 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 66' valiant

: 66' been sitting for 4 yrs ,cam turns ,new
: plugs /points ,battery . lights won,t come
: on ,or crank. Live on the coast ,so the rust
: might have affected the grounds . Where do I
: start .How do i test the resistor ? help
: !!!! matt g

Try wiggling your bulkhead connector. A common problem in old mopars is corrosion of the connector of the main power wire running through the ammeter.


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