Slant Six Forum

70's slant to early A body
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Author:  Larry Laduc [ Tue Feb 12, 2002 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  70's slant to early A body

i can buy a built up slant six out of a 71 dart. I am thinking about putting it in my 63 valiant, but i heard the cranks are different and i can't. Is there anything else besides the crank that makes it so i can't put it in my car?

Author:  dschumers [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 70's slant to early A body

: i can buy a built up slant six out of a 71
: dart. I am thinking about putting it in my
: 63 valiant, but i heard the cranks are
: different and i can't. Is there anything
: else besides the crank that makes it so i
: can't put it in my car?

Yes, the register on the back of the crank is different, but you can get an adapter for that. The only other thing I can think of is you will have to use the oil pan from the original motor too. The adapters are around $15 I think. Good Luck! Dennis

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