Slant Six Forum

Timing gear - to the Doc
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Author:  Mike [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Timing gear - to the Doc

So Doc, did I damage anything taping the timing
gear on the crank like I did? (ref: post on
monday). I didn't know the heating up trick.


Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing gear - to the Doc

: So Doc, did I damage anything taping the timing
: gear on the crank like I did? (ref: post on
: monday). I didn't know the heating up trick.

#3 main bearing, thrust surface, front side.
Check the end play in the crank, more then .008 and I would take a look at that surface.
Is the oil pan already on?

The proper damper installation tool and some heat installs these quick and easy.(If you must "tap" on a damper, always stand the engine assy on end, with the crank flange resting on a solid surface, like a concret floor. Use a piece of hardwood or soft metal to tap on and never hit the outer ring)

Author:  Mike [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Timing gear - to the Doc

Hey Doc, can you pull just the #3 main bearing
cap to inspect the bearing, or do you have to
loosen all the caps to re-torque??

: #3 main bearing, thrust surface, front side.
: Check the end play in the crank, more then .008
: and I would take a look at that surface.
: Is the oil pan already on?
: The proper damper installation tool and some
: heat installs these quick and easy.(If you
: must "tap" on a damper, always
: stand the engine assy on end, with the crank
: flange resting on a solid surface, like a
: concret floor. Use a piece of hardwood or
: soft metal to tap on and never hit the outer
: ring)

Author:  Doc. [ Wed Feb 13, 2002 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Checking a Main Bearing

: Hey Doc, can you pull just the #3 main bearing
: cap to inspect the bearing, or do you have to
: loosen all the caps to re-torque??

It is OK to just remove, check and retorque a single main cap assembly.

Look carefully at the side thrust face, see any displaced (smashed) babbit? Also measure the thickness of each side with a micrometer.

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