Slant Six Forum

starter won't stop
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Author:  zac smith [ Thu Feb 14, 2002 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  starter won't stop

Hey, the starter on my '64 Clark Cortez /6 is having some problems. Yesterday, the starter was spinning, but the solenoid wasn't engaging it. It would just spin and spin, even when the switch was released. The solenoid then burned up. BURNED UP, smoke and all. I went to get a new starter, but they didn't have the one I had (a big old boat anchor, built by Chrysler), so I just got the solenoid. Put the new solenoid on the starter, put in back in, and now it won't disengage when I release the key from start position, or even when I cut the ignition off. Only way to get it to quit is to pull the battery cable.
I tried switching the solenoid right from the "key switch", routing around the "ignition switch" for testing: same thing. I tried pulling the lead coming from the switch off the solenoid once it's cranking: same thing. Only disconnecting the battery will stop it.

Is this a wiring problem, or is there something wrong with the starter still? What makes the starter stop? I thought ("logically" not "experientially") that once the circuit from the switch was open again it should stop.

Any help is much appreciated, especially since I need to get from L.A. (anyone out there?) to San Fran to play some gigs. Thanks in advance.


'64 Clark Cortez

Author:  Doc. [ Thu Feb 14, 2002 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It is the starter

The solenoid engages the power feed and the gear drive, sounds like there is still a problem in the starter / solenoid assembly. Try replacing the entire starter as a unit.
: Hey, the starter on my '64 Clark Cortez /6 is
: having some problems. Yesterday, the starter
: was spinning, but the solenoid wasn't
: engaging it. It would just spin and spin,
: even when the switch was released. The
: solenoid then burned up. BURNED UP, smoke
: and all. I went to get a new starter, but
: they didn't have the one I had (a big old
: boat anchor, built by Chrysler), so I just
: got the solenoid. Put the new solenoid on
: the starter, put in back in, and now it
: won't disengage when I release the key from
: start position, or even when I cut the
: ignition off. Only way to get it to quit is
: to pull the battery cable.
: I tried switching the solenoid right from the
: "key switch", routing around the
: "ignition switch" for testing:
: same thing. I tried pulling the lead coming
: from the switch off the solenoid once it's
: cranking: same thing. Only disconnecting the
: battery will stop it.
: Is this a wiring problem, or is there something
: wrong with the starter still? What makes the
: starter stop? I thought
: ("logically" not
: "experientially") that once the
: circuit from the switch was open again it
: should stop.
: Any help is much appreciated, especially since
: I need to get from L.A. (anyone out there?)
: to San Fran to play some gigs. Thanks in
: advance.
: zac
: ------------------
: '64 Clark Cortez

Author:  matt gholson [ Thu Feb 14, 2002 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It is the starter

: The solenoid engages the power feed and the
: gear drive, sounds like there is still a
: problem in the starter / solenoid assembly.
: Try replacing the entire starter as a unit.
: DD

same thing happened to my postal jeep . It wasnt a bad starter ,it was the starter hanging up on the fly wheel. Cheap experiment: try putting shims(washers ) between the starter motor and bell housing, sometimes the starter hangs up after extended use. The teeth get worn and dont let go of the solenoid drive gear . Good Luck

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