Slant Six Forum

170 vs 225??
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Author:  Mike [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  170 vs 225??

Hi Guys! I have a 1967 A100 and I don't know
how the heck to tell if its a 170 or a 225.
People have told me to look at the Vin Plate,
I don't see anything that says engine size?? I
know the Vin# says its a 6, but not what size.
How can I tell. I know the Bypass hose is
about 2.5" long. Someone told me that if it
is that long, it is a 225? When I bought the
rig I was told it was a 170??

Any help would be appreciated!

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 170 vs 225??

Frank Adkins covers this pretty well in his new book, go look at page # 1 & 2 for some Pics. (see the link below and links at the bottom of the "cover page" it goes to)
From your discription, sounds like a 225.
what does the bolck ID pad say, what is the block's casting number?
: Hi Guys! I have a 1967 A100 and I don't know
: how the heck to tell if its a 170 or a 225.
: People have told me to look at the Vin Plate,
: I don't see anything that says engine size?? I
: know the Vin# says its a 6, but not what size.
: How can I tell. I know the Bypass hose is
: about 2.5" long. Someone told me that if
: it
: is that long, it is a 225? When I bought the
: rig I was told it was a 170??
: Any help would be appreciated!
: Mike

Shortcut Link to Frank's Book on SL6

Author:  Mike [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 170 vs 225??

: Thanks Doug, It must be a 225 because I just

looked at the block and it says CT225_9_19. I'm
guessing that is the date it was produced (9_19)?
I know the van was sold in October 1966.


Frank Adkins covers this pretty well in his new
: book, go look at page # 1 ? 2 for some
: Pics. (see the link below and links at the
: bottom of the ?cover page? it goes
: to)
: From your discription, sounds like a 225.
: what does the bolck ID pad say, what is the
: block's casting number?
: DD

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