Slant Six Forum

Rearend swap
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Author:  Gotta Love Slants [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Rearend swap

After many days of searching I have found an 8 3/4 (3.23) rear out of a late 60's cuda to replace the 7 1/4 (2.76) rear in my 71 Valiant. Does anyone know of any pitfalls I'm about to encounter when swapping (driveshaft length, rear U joint, etc) the two? I plan on installing new seals on the 'new' rear. Any other ideas?

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rearend swap

: Howdy,
: After many days of searching I have found an 8
: 3/4 (3.23) rear out of a late 60's cuda to
: replace the 7 1/4 (2.76) rear in my 71
: Valiant. Does anyone know of any pitfalls
: I'm about to encounter when swapping
: (driveshaft length, rear U joint, etc) the
: two? I plan on installing new seals on the
: 'new' rear. Any other ideas?
: Thanks!
: Tim

The drive shaft will need to be shortened by *about* 2 inches. (measure before you cut)
The u-bolts and shock plates are different for the 8 3/4 so get your hands on a set.
You may also need to swap your parking brake cables out of the 7 1/4 and into the new assembly, measure them and swap if they are different. ( these clip-in )

Author:  dschumers [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rearend swap

When I did the swap on my Duster, I had to shorten the drive shaft 1-3/4". The 'Cuda could have had the bigger U-joint, so you may have to get an adapter u-joint. (No big deal, whoever does the driveshaft will probably have one in stock) Good luck! Dennis

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