Slant Six Forum

Hey Doc?? Rear main seal?
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Author:  Mike [ Fri Feb 15, 2002 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Hey Doc?? Rear main seal?

Hey Doc. Can you check out and reply to the
message #3 thrust bearing and also answer a
question about the rear main seal?? Again this
is a 1967 A100, 225/3-speed, 60000 original
miles. It hasn't been ran since 1987 and is
leaking oil from everwhere I think, so I am
replacing all the gaskets/seals. I'm wondering
if a should replace the rear main seal though?
I have the pan off and IT doesn't seem to be
leaking much. Maybe a little?? I pulled the
cap that houses the seal and am wondering if I
should just replace the L-seals and bolt it back
together. The thing that worries me about
replacing it is the crank on this motor is really
kneerled and I'm wondering if a rubber seal
would even work?? What do you think? Bolt it
back together with new L-seals or go for it??


Author:  WhaleMstr [ Sat Feb 16, 2002 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hey Doc?? Rear main seal?

I would replace it. As a matter of fact I already did on my '69 A108. Made a world of difference in what it was leaving on the ground. This is my daily driver and the only leak I have now is a dang exhaust leak that I have to take care of.
Talk at ya later,

'65 A100 Tradesman - Future Ticket Getter!
'69 A108 Tradesman - Daily Driver
'67 A100 (My future camping trailer!)
'68 A100 Custom Sportsman Window

"I may be slow, but at least I'm not very fast!"

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