Slant Six Forum

Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage
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Author:  dartdude1968 [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

Hi all,
I have a 225 six with an offy 4bbl intake manifold, Holley 390CFM carb and 904 automatic trans. I need to get the kickdown linkage working properly, I almost burned up my trans. From reading previous messages on this site it looks like I need a Locker K.D. cable. Could somebody tell me where I can get one and about how much they cost. Thanks, Shannon

Author:  Tom Gilsdorf [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

Check in the Summit Racing catalog. I think I saw one there.


Author:  Charlie Schmid [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

: Hi all,
: I have a 225 six with an offy 4bbl intake
: manifold, Holley 390CFM carb and 904
: automatic trans. I need to get the kickdown
: linkage working properly, I almost burned up
: my trans. From reading previous messages on
: this site it looks like I need a Locker K.D.
: cable. Could somebody tell me where I can
: get one and about how much they cost.
: Thanks, Shannon

It's also possible to make your own kickdown cable, from a bicycle brake/shift cable. Not as nive looking but much cheaper, if function is more important than form.

Author:  dartdude1968 [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

Thanks for the information. I ordered the Lokar kickdown cable today from Summit. So should this cable kit bolt in and solve the problem without any other brackets or modifications?

Thanks, Shannon
: Hi all,
: I have a 225 six with an offy 4bbl intake
: manifold, Holley 390CFM carb and 904
: automatic trans. I need to get the kickdown
: linkage working properly, I almost burned up
: my trans. From reading previous messages on
: this site it looks like I need a Locker K.D.
: cable. Could somebody tell me where I can
: get one and about how much they cost.
: Thanks, Shannon

Author:  dschumers [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

: Check in the Summit Racing catalog. I think I
: saw one there.
: Gilly

I've bought 2 from Summit. They are around $50. You will have to build the bracket to attach the cable housing at the carb end, but it comes with everything else. They offer kits for the 904 and the 727. Different part numbers, same kit. Dennis

Author:  MadScientistMatt [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Holley 390 carb & kickdown linkage

Also, Lokar sells a bracket for Holley carbs so you may not have to custom make a bracket. Unfortunately they do not make one for Carter BBD's, as I found out the hard way.

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