Slant Six Forum

Making a slant six even tougher?
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Author:  MadScientistMatt [ Sun Feb 17, 2002 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Making a slant six even tougher?

I've recently bought some of the key parts from another slant six fan's turbo project. While I initially plan to run the turbo on an internally stock 225 (with a forged crank), eventually I will probably want to rebuild the engine to take more power and more boost. Other than forged pistons, what can be done to make a slant six stronger for forced induction? What parts of a slant six bottom end have been known to fail, either under boost or on stock motors?

Author:  Charlie Schmid [ Mon Feb 18, 2002 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Making a slant six even tougher?

: I've recently bought some of the key parts from
: another slant six fan's turbo project. While
: I initially plan to run the turbo on an
: internally stock 225 (with a forged crank),
: eventually I will probably want to rebuild
: the engine to take more power and more
: boost. Other than forged pistons, what can
: be done to make a slant six stronger for
: forced induction? What parts of a slant six
: bottom end have been known to fail, either
: under boost or on stock motors?

Do the oil system modifications as per the Doctor. Use full groove main bearings. Polish the combustion chaimbers.

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