Slant Six Forum

split intake manifold
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Author:  Donald [ Mon Feb 18, 2002 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  split intake manifold

I've got a 1970 Dodge Challenger with an original stock 225 slant six. It has a single bbl Holley carb on it. Someone told me that I could put a split intake manifold on it and install twin carbs to greatly boost the performance. Has anyone heard of this or is there a better way to go without spending a fortune.

Author:  Tom Gilsdorf [ Mon Feb 18, 2002 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: split intake manifold

There's a fellow selling a modified Offy intake with 2 2bbl Webers on it. There's one on eBay now. Starting bid $745. Expensive? Naaah Just call me: Donald Trump a.k.a. Gilly

Check it out at:

<A HREF="">ht ... aq.html</A>

There are extra points awarded for cool. BTW, you can get an Offy intake from JC Whitney and Clifford has several to choose from. A single 4 bbl setup will be less than $500

Author:  dschumers [ Mon Feb 18, 2002 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: split intake manifold

: There are extra points awarded for cool. BTW,
: you can get an Offy intake from JC Whitney
: and Clifford has several to choose from. A
: single 4 bbl setup will be less than $500

Just watch swap meets and the "For sale" board over on <A HREF=""></A> . I've had 3 Offy 4bbl intakes and never paid more than $100 for any of them. I have 2 of the 2 carb intakes, but I had to go $150 for one of them. I think there is a Clifford over there now for $100 if it's not gone. There was a couple sets of headers on there too. Dennis

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