Slant Six Forum

Doc, rear main concentricity
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Author:  Mike [ Tue Feb 19, 2002 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Doc, rear main concentricity

Hey Doc! I remember you saying something about
concentricity between the crank and the rear main
seal, and that sometimes its way off. Also, that
sometimes you're better off using a rope seal
because of this.

What is a good way for checking this, so that
you use the best seal (rubber or rope) for your
motor? (note: my motor is still in the car, if
this matters).


Author:  Doc, on the road [ Tue Feb 19, 2002 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rear main seal receiver groove concentricity

This is hard to check with the engine assembled and in the car, I check the main seal receiver groove and cap position as part of engine "blueprinting" before the engine is assembled.

For an "in car" re-seal, I would go with the rubber type seal. They are easer to install and more forgiving for your in car reseal job.
: I remember you saying something about
: concentricity between the crank and the rear
: main
: seal, and that sometimes its way off. Also,
: that
: sometimes you're better off using a rope seal
: because of this.
: What is a good way for checking this, so that
: you use the best seal (rubber or rope) for your
: motor? (note: my motor is still in the car, if
: this matters).
: Thanks
: Mike

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