Slant Six Forum

Roller camshafts
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Author:  Brian Parsons [ Tue Feb 19, 2002 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Roller camshafts

In your artical about stroking the slantsix in the stroker 170 section, there was a comment about a roller cam. I am very interested in finding out were to get such a thing along with the related valve train. I have a 360 in a duster that has one. What a difference. I can't see why anyone would put in a flat tappet cam if you had the choice of a roller. Any information on the subject will be used in my next slanter project.
Thanks bparsons

Author:  Tim Keith [ Tue Feb 19, 2002 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller camshafts

I think you have to make the entire cam shaft using a custom steel core. I think cast iron is too soft. I don't think these are commercially available! I think you will have to find a machinist to make this part.

I saw an article in Hot Rod magazine which stated some advantages of using roller bearings to replace the babbet. If you're going to spend money in a motor there's plenty of ways to do it!
: In your artical about stroking the slantsix in
: the stroker 170 section, there was a comment
: about a roller cam. I am very interested in
: finding out were to get such a thing along
: with the related valve train. I have a 360
: in a duster that has one. What a difference.
: I can't see why anyone would put in a flat
: tappet cam if you had the choice of a
: roller. Any information on the subject will
: be used in my next slanter project.
: Thanks bparsons

Author:  Doc . . . in LA [ Thu Feb 21, 2002 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller camshafts

: In your artical about stroking the slantsix in
: the stroker 170 section, there was a comment
: about a roller cam. I am very interested in
: finding out were to get such a thing along
: with the related valve train. I have a 360
: in a duster that has one. What a difference.
: I can't see why anyone would put in a flat
: tappet cam if you had the choice of a
: roller. Any information on the subject will
: be used in my next slanter project.
: Thanks bparsons

I have my roller cam core (cast steel) project moving again. I will post some additional info. when I get back to my home computer. (next week)
I am like you, once you run a roller, there is no going back to flat tappet cams.

Author:  Brian Parsons [ Fri Mar 08, 2002 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roller camshafts

Are you slill working on the project or is it on hold again?

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