Slant Six Forum

WTB: Harmonic Balancer.
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Author:  Robert [ Sun Feb 24, 2002 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  WTB: Harmonic Balancer.

I need a Harmonic Balancer for my 63' Valiant, because I've noticed mine has started to wobble.

please e-mail me if you've got one or know where I can get one.


Author:  Red [ Wed Feb 27, 2002 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WTB: Harmonic Balancer.

: I need a Harmonic Balancer for my 63' Valiant,
: because I've noticed mine has started to
: wobble.
: please e-mail me if you've got one or know
: where I can get one.
: Thanks,
: Robert.


Dampers are no longer available from Mopar. You can either shell out the big bucks to Clifford for a Fisher damper or have yours repaired:

Winslow Mfg; 5700 Dean Ave; Raleigh NC 27604; 919-790-9713
Damper Dudes; 5509 Cedars Rd #2; Redding CA 96001; 800-413-2673 (orders)
or 916-244-7225 (info)
Damper Doctor; 1055 Parkview Ave; Redding CA 96001; 916-246-2984

Also use this site's "search" function to look for the following phrase:

Hey hardcore racers! (Damper question)

This thread discusses /6 racers who are using other dampers in their race-only cars. Hope this helps,


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