Slant Six Forum

engine ID ?
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Author:  63pushy [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  engine ID ?

My 63 Signet has a later engine swapped in. The number stamped on the boss behind the coil says J225 12 3 7 (maltese cross).
The cast numbers on the drivers side of the block are: 2806830-9, rear of that is 0323:, rear of that is BH, underneath is AAWJ
Any info is appreciated. Thanks, Kelly

Author:  Reed [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: engine ID ?

My 63 Signet has a later engine swapped in. The cast numbers on the drivers side of the block are: 2806830-9,
As per Doc and AlT's masterful parts list:

2806830 = 68-75 225 motor with the larger crank hub size.

The maltese cross I believe designates factory .010 undersize bearings on the crank, but someone more knowledgable can pinpoint what this means.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: engine ID ?

My 63 Signet has a later engine swapped in. The number stamped on the boss behind the coil says J225 12 3 7 (maltese cross).
J: 1973 model year
225: Engine displacement
12 3: Built on December 3, 1972
7: Shift and line identifier

Author:  Technical_13 [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: engine ID ?

As per Doc and AlT's masterful parts list:

2806830 = 68-75 225 motor with the larger crank hub size.

The maltese cross I believe designates factory .010 undersize bearings on the crank, but someone more knowledgable can pinpoint what this means.
How do I find these references? I have a generator with a Slant-6 in it and would like to be able to find out what year it is from so I can reference for parts at my local auto parts store. They look at me funny when i say it is in a generator and have no idea of the year.

Author:  Reed [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, go to the articles page and click on table listing heads, crank & block variations to get he table that lists the block casting number and gives info about when it was cast.



Author:  wjajr [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Quoting my self quoting the factory manual:
Maltese Cross Department Per Factory Manual:

Maltese Cross stamped on the engine numbering pad on right side of block, on top boss directly behind coil indicates that engine is equipped with a crankshaft which had one or more connecting rods and/ or main bearing journals finished .001 inch undersized. The position of the undersize journal or journals is stamped on the center counterweight of the crankshaft.

A Maltese Cross with an X indicates that all connecting rods and/ or main bearing journals are .001 inch undersize.

Connecting rod journals will be identified by the letter "R" and main bearing journals by the letter "ME". For example "M1" indicates that No. 1 main bearing is .001 inch undersize.

Author:  Technical_13 [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: engine ID ?

My 63 Signet has a later engine swapped in. The number stamped on the boss behind the coil says J225 12 3 7 (maltese cross).
Do I have to remove the mounting bracket that holds the coil to find these numbers? Because I can not find any numbers anywhere close to that part of the engine.. I have found the number on the left side of the engine, 2806830-6 It has 5 freeze plugs, The carburetor is a IMPCO CA125-20 Propane carburetor. I am not very familiar with Chrysler, and all of the mechanics around here are either Ford or Chevy.... So it is hard to find any help with this. Thanx.

Author:  Reed [ Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

You might have to remove the alternator, but not the mount. The numbers are stamped on the little ledge on the top of the block that sticks out from under the head. They are stamped directly underneath and forward of the front-most spark plug hole.

Author:  Technical_13 [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

You might have to remove the alternator, but not the mount. The numbers are stamped on the little ledge on the top of the block that sticks out from under the head. They are stamped directly underneath and forward of the front-most spark plug hole.
My alternator is mounted on the lower left corner of the engine. My coil is mounted directly under the #1 plug. I have removed the coil and mounting bracket and found no numbers. Is it possible that my engine has none, or am I just missing something? I can try to insert some pictures in a post if it will help? Thanx

Author:  6shotvanner [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Pictures always help and it is possible that there are NO #s,the engine in my van has no factory #s.It's my understanding that engines were available from the factory as "replacement" engines and the dealer or owner was to put their original numbers on the new motor. It seems that this wasn't always done and it's possible that the motor in question could have been deck'd which might have shaved down enough to remove the #s?.

Author:  Reed [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow! You have the somewhat rare driver's side alternator mount. You are looking in the right area. The numbers are usually stampe don the ledge below and forward of the #1 spark plug hole. They are rather small and sometimes very faint. Unless the motor is very clean, you will need to get a rag and thoroughly clean the little ledge before you will be able to read the numbers.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

There have been several different locations for the engine ID numbers on the slant-6 over the years. The location below the #1 spark plug is the most common, but a similar location below the #6 (rearmost) spark plug is also possible, as is a stamped pad on the top/rear of the water pump housing area of the block.

Author:  Reed [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

There have been several different locations for the engine ID numbers on the slant-6 over the years. The location below the #1 spark plug is the most common, but a similar location below the #6 (rearmost) spark plug is also possible, as is a stamped pad on the top/rear of the water pump housing area of the block.
Cool, didn't know that!

Author:  Technical_13 [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow! You have the somewhat rare driver's side alternator mount. You are looking in the right area. The numbers are usually stampe don the ledge below and forward of the #1 spark plug hole. They are rather small and sometimes very faint. Unless the motor is very clean, you will need to get a rag and thoroughly clean the little ledge before you will be able to read the numbers.
As pitiful as is... ... Id=2254699 <--- my MySpace album with pictures.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

You know to look for the numbers up at the top of the block, right where it meets the head, and not down at or near the oil pan rail, right?

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