Slant Six Forum

Rear end sludge
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Author:  oklahoma joe [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Rear end sludge

I have a 8 1/4" rear end with a 2.94 gear that I have been working on.
After taking apart the rear end for inspection I found a brown rusty sludge inside and a broken tooth on the pinion. Amazingly the bearings look pretty good except for the front pinion. The thing has obviously been running with the broken tooth so I am tempted to put it back together. The break ends right about were the wear pattern begins on the tooth so it may be ok? There were no boken bits in the housing and the ring looks brand new. So some one has fixed it sence the tooth broke. I am also tempted to switch to a used 3.55 ring and pinion gear that I found on ebay for around 40 bucks. What do you guys think? I plan on running pretty stock diameted tires and do not want to be slow on the highway with a 904 auto tranny but would like a little get up and go around town


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:48 am ]
Post subject: 

If you drive on the highway, with stock sized tires and an automatic your ears will get tired of listening to the engine rev on account of those 3.55s in a big hurry (and so will your wallet when it comes time to gas up the car).

Putting this rear axle back together with a broken tooth is almost certain to wind up being a large waste of time, effort, and money.

If you're into swapping ring and pinion sets, and you want a slightly snappier pickup around town, look for a set of 3.21/3.23 gears. They should be easy to find, as they were used in 8ΒΌ" rear axles right on up through '97 or so in Dakota pickups. But really, the 2.93/2.94 set is a good all-around choice. There's probably other stuff preventing the car being as snappy as you'd like it to be. What are the details of the car?

Author:  oklahoma joe [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:47 am ]
Post subject: 

the car is 64 barracuda that has not seen the highway for many years. I think a kid or some one with little automotive tallent had it before me every thing that could be backwards or incorrectly installed has been it seems. When I first got it I managed to get it started and the front brakes working to get it a round the block for a test drive. but after that it went into the garage and has not seen the light yet. I have been removing all its parts and cleaning and rebuilding as I go. So far the engine is rebuilt, front suspension and all mechanicals are done. I have peaced together all the pieces for a 73 -76 dics brake conversion and the last mechanical thing is the rear end. I have the body on jack stands and I have replaced the floor pans and the spare tire well due to rust. I hope to have the body work done by spring to get it ready for paint and then start to assemble everything durring the summer. My goal is to have a nice looking car that drives well. I am not going for stock just a good looking car. I plan on taking the car on some long trip after it is finished so I think I will stick with the 2.94 gear. So in short I will find out what it drives like by the end of summer I hope.

Author:  VDART [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  toothless

Hey Joe!!---- would you be opposed to a stock style 7.25 rear end? I have 2 in Wichita, Ks-- both with 3.23 geas. Just FYI since you are relatively close to me. Lawrence

Author:  oklahoma joe [ Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

do they have the larger bolt pattern 4.5" for the rims. if they do how much are you asking. I am trying to find a ring and pinion here locally because I have sandblasted and primed the axel housing. But If you have a good one that I can just slide in I may just go for it. Thanks joe

Author:  oklahoma joe [ Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  rear end result

I ended up buying a new 2.94 ring gear and bearing kit from national drive line cost 260 bucks with free shipping. It was made by motive gears and came with timkin bearings seemed to be a good deal. I set it up in the housing as instucted and at it really was not that hard. I was expecting a lot more trouble after hearing how difficult it is to set a new ring pinion but I feel better now knowing what is under there. :D

Thanks joe

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