Slant Six Forum |
Holley 1bbl accelerator pump |
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Author: | Mike Utter [ Wed Feb 27, 2002 7:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Holley 1bbl accelerator pump |
Ok, here's the deal... my car was dying out while driving, and wouldn't respond after I let off the gas and trying to give her more... so I traced it to my carb... my friend and I too it apart, made sure everything looked ok, put new gaskets in and the works, put her back on the car and she still died out while driving (or wouldn't respond like she should)... my neighbor had a look at it and said it was my accelerator pump... so with the carb rebuild kit that I had bought, I took the pump, took the carb back apart, and put the new pump in... now she's leaking gas out of the rod off of the accel pump all over my carb and intake, so I took it off tonight, took it apart (again!!), and called my neighbor over... he looked at it and said it shouldn't be leaking... so we put it back together, and I put it on, fired the car up and LEAKAGE again!!! If anybody has any ideas please let me know. Thanks!! Mike |
Author: | Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Wed Feb 27, 2002 8:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rebuilding Holley 1bbls |
: Ok, here's the deal... my car was dying out : while driving, and wouldn't respond after I : let off the gas and trying to give her : more... so I traced it to my carb... my : friend and I too it apart, made sure : everything looked ok, put new gaskets in and : the works, put her back on the car and she : still died out while driving (or wouldn't : respond like she should)... my neighbor had : a look at it and said it was my accelerator : pump... so with the carb rebuild kit that I : had bought, I took the pump, took the carb : back apart, and put the new pump in... now : she's leaking gas out of the rod off of the : accel pump all over my carb and intake, so I : took it off tonight, took it apart : (again!!), and called my neighbor over... he : looked at it and said it shouldn't be : leaking... so we put it back together, and I : put it on, fired the car up and LEAKAGE : again!!! Rebuilding Holley 1 bbls can be a real "crap-shoot", I have had great working Holleys "go bad" in a day and all the rebuilds and head scratching in the world would not get them to work right again. I guess it is due to the sealed metering block, if this assembly gets worped or plugged-up, there is no good way to fix it short of replacement. As for your leak, your not the first to have this trouble, (see the link to an old thread about this) You need make sure everything is "super clean" and flat. (do a trial assemblt without the gasket) Look for any signs of uneven clamping and test the diaphram it's self.(sometimes they leak where the arm attaches, test this with carb cleaner on one side, see if it bleeds through) Here is the link for more ideas: DD Leaking Holley Thread |
Author: | Mike Utter [ Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:11 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Rebuilding Holley 1bbls |
: Rebuilding Holley 1 bbls can be a real : "crap-shoot", I have had great : working Holleys "go bad" in a day : and all the rebuilds and head scratching in : the world would not get them to work right : again. : I guess it is due to the sealed metering block, : if this assembly gets worped or plugged-up, : there is no good way to fix it short of : replacement. : : As for your leak, your not the first to have : this trouble, (see the link to an old thread : about this) You need make sure everything is : "super clean" and flat. (do a : trial assemblt without the gasket) Look for : any signs of uneven clamping and test the : diaphram it's self.(sometimes they leak : where the arm attaches, test this with carb : cleaner on one side, see if it bleeds : through) : Here is the link for more ideas: DD Doc, Thanks for the ideas... I called my parts guy last night and left him a voicemail to see if he has another carb... maybe that'll work.. lol... if I can't get it to work, I'll just get a new intake and put a 2 or 4 bbl on it... I need more power anyways!! Later, Mike |
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