Slant Six Forum

Automatic to 3 or 4 speed
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Author:  plymouthfury [ Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Automatic to 3 or 4 speed

I have a '75 Scamp, slant 6/auto.

Basically, what cars/trucks should I be looking for to obtain the right bolt in parts? I wasn't sure if early A-bodies had different clutch pedal boxes, etc. What about Aspens/Volares?

I would also eventually want to put in a small block V8, do Aspen/Volare K-members differ from the earlier '70s models? What about earlier 60s models?

Thanks guys!

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Only...

You are looking for a 1967-1976 A-body for your parts....

When you go V-8 you'll be swapping out a few minor linkage items (Z-bar, fork rod, etc...), also you can just buy the conversion motor mounts saving you the hassle of swapping in a 1973-1976 A-body K-member...


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