Slant Six Forum

Some questions about the bench seat
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Author:  ESP47 [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Some questions about the bench seat

Seems like something has loosened up or come off track on my Duster's front bench seat on the passenger side. When someone is sitting in the passenger seat you can hear it move and shift when going around turns or whatnot. The adjustment lever on my side has never done anything and I've never been able to move the seat back or forward. Since I can't really see under the seat I have no idea whats going on under there or what it looks like. I have the FSM for it but it's really not much help at all. Does anyone know how to go about fixing this? Also is there a way to lower the seat at all? Thanks.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Ruh Roh....

That happened on my aunt's '74 Valiant... too much hard cornering caused the plastic pieces and stops in the track finally stressed and broke 15 years after buying the car...

You'll have to pull the seat and gingerly pull it apart being careful to not have anything go flying. A spare bench seat in better condition will yeild the spare parts.

As for lowering the seat, you'll have to refabricate the supports to lower them a few inches...worse case scenario is taking some padding out of the seat (LOL...not gonna happen)

Good Luck,


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

The lever pulls a series of rods and cables that lift two spring-loaded clamps off of a multi-slotted track to permit the seat to move fore and aft. It sounds like the driver's side mechanism is jammed, and the passenger side clamp is stuck on a piece of trash or something (or the cable is snagged on something crammed under the seat). Time to get under there and free things up and spray w/Sillycone lube.

Lower: no.

Author:  ESP47 [ Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys, when I get another sunny weekend I'll remove the seat and see what is up. Finding a spare bench is gonna be tough but I might be able to manage if I check craigs list often enough. Yeah I hear ya on the padding. I had the seat redone a few years ago and they added too much padding to it. I have to kind of slouch down to keep from looking like a dork :lol:

One more question, is there an adjustment to lean the seat back at all?

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