Slant Six Forum

SureGrip noise? BANG-BANG-BANG coming out of turns.
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Author:  Reed [ Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  SureGrip noise? BANG-BANG-BANG coming out of turns.

This morning I drove my new 84 5th Ave to the store and heard a god-awful banging noise from the rear axle whenever I turned (more accurately when I was coming out of a turn). It wasn't so bad when I went slow, but if I took a turn at speed or was accelerating through the turn I got a horrible BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG.

I do hear a slight humm from the rear axle when driving in a straight line, and there is a mild clunk, like a u-joint needing replacement when I first accelerate or if I let it coast then accelerate, but this banging is way way louder. My only though is that it is a Sure-Grip rear axle that needs lubricant? The axle is a 7 1/4, 2.2 gear ratio unit original to the car, so it has 88,000+ miles on it.

Any ideas? How about advice for a cure?


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