Slant Six Forum

Big block harmonic balancer
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Author:  Jopapa [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Big block harmonic balancer

I've heard that the big block balancers will also work on a slant. Any truth to this? If yes, has anyone used one of the high performance units from places like 440Source?

Just curiosity really. I see no need to change out the balancer on my engine since it won't see high RPMs.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Since the nose of the crank is the same between slants and big blocks the big block damper will fit, but it sticks out too far and doesn't have a groove for the belt. Since I have access to a lathe I could fix both these issues, but trouble finding a decent damper at a good price and factoring in my time I just bought a new Aussie damper.

Author:  Jopapa [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since the nose of the crank is the same between slants and big blocks the big block damper will fit, but it sticks out too far and doesn't have a groove for the belt. Since I have access to a lathe I could fix both these issues, but trouble finding a decent damper at a good price and factoring in my time I just bought a new Aussie damper.
Interesting. I'm hoping the damper on the '66 engine I'm putting in isn't worn (guess I'll find out when I verify TDC), but if it is I'll have to look for a new one. You get the Aussie one from Pentastar?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I got mine from EBay seller falconglobal. He's got one listed for $125 and change under item number 190254995216 and free shipping.

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