Slant Six Forum

how many pumps?
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Author:  daughters/scamp [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:01 am ]
Post subject:  how many pumps?

this is my (her) first slant six. it take many pumps of the accelerator to git it to start in the morning, or just after it has cooled down. i will be buying a carb. kit soon suspect week accelerator pump shot.

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:23 am ]
Post subject: 

do the fuel line mod before tearing down the carb if you don't see a good pump shot with fuel in the carb.

The fuel boils out and the carb is empty.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:15 am ]
Post subject: 

This sounds like a misadjusted choke. The fuel line modification is a good idea, but might not solve this problem. The first thing I would do is to check that the choke is adjusted properly and everything is working correctly. A properly set up carb shouldn't need more than one pump before you turn the key and the engine starts.

Do you know what carburetor you have? Determine which one the car has, and then download the correct adjustment manual here

Author:  440_Magnum [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

A properly set up carb shouldn't need more than one pump before you turn the key and the engine starts.
I don't think about it in those terms. To me, a properly set up carb should allow the best driveability- ie, the engine doesn't bog or stumble on acceleration from a stop, doesn't backfire, etc. THAT is what constitutes a proper-sized accelerator pump shot. Get that set right, then whether it takes 1 pump or 5 to prime the engine for cold-starting, just adapt to it and live with it. If you fatten up the pump shot so that it takes only 1 pump to start, but you're dumping in more fuel than is needed for proper acceleration then you're just wasting fuel.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:02 am ]
Post subject: 

On an otherwise stock motor with a stock carb, all it needs is one pump shot. If the choke is correctly adjusted, the extra fuel needed for the engine to run when cold is supplied by the choke, not by more pumps of the accelerator pump. Having to pump the gas many times before the motor will run when cold is a sure sign something is set up wrong.

Back before I really knew how to work on cars, my family borrowed my cousin's 79 Monte Carlo for a summer. When we got the car, you had to pump the gas 30 times, thats right, 30 times, before the car would start and run. Once I got a Haynes manual, I repaired the choke that wasn't working and VOILA! one pump in the morning and the car would start and run correctly. The problem was the carb (a) wasn't getting enough gas when cold and (b) because the choke wasn't working the car wouldn't go onto high idle. The 30 pumps would basically flood the motor with enough gas for the engine to start and have enough gas already in the intake to provide the richer mixture for the motor to run when cold. Bad bad situation.

Author:  terrylittlejohn [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

also with out the choke working the fast idling cam is not engaging to step up the idle untill the engine gets some heat in it. :wink:

Author:  daughters/scamp [ Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:53 am ]
Post subject: 

thanks for all the replies. the carb is a 1945 and this morning it started with no pumps. the choke is closing when cold and opens up when warm. the gap at the top of the choke is about 5/32 when actuated. i am still getting a carb kit just for good measure. i tell you, this 225 is the best running stock six i have had. it has good power and runs smooth. i had a 250 in a 74 comet and a 194 in a 66 elcamino. neither ran as good.
i do agree with 440 about getting it to run its best, then what technique it takes to start that is what it takes. again thanks for all the input.

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