Slant Six Forum

converter stall?
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Author:  turboram [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  converter stall?

Does anyone know what the stock stall is on a /6 converter? It seems I,m getting conflicting information from my parts suppliers :roll: what I,m saying is the information says 1800-2100 rpm but thats only 100 more than a v8 and in my parts book the converter number is the same for a /6 -v8 . and some older trans builders think that the stall on the 6 was 300 or so higher then the v8?.
I installed a "high stall " on my truck last year, that is supposed to be 400 higher than stock and actually it stalls at 2000-2100.what gives?

Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

The converter for the Slant and small block are in fact the same converter. A normal one will stall around 1600-1800 behind a stock Slant, slightly higher behind a 318.

A converter will never stall higher behind a Slant than it will a 318, unless the Slant is pretty well modified.

Buying an "off-the-shelf" high stall converter is always a crap shoot at best.

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