Slant Six Forum

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Author:  polara pat [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Vol-Ust-Iant

So I just got back from a little vacation in Sayulita Mexico and I couldn't help but snap some shots of local beaters, it drives my girlfriend nuts. I can't say whether or not they are slant equipped since I can only (politely) ask for beer in Spanish. So here they are. The girl in this Valiant was laughing her ass off at the silly Gringo taking pictures of her rusty car. It was tagged "Automatico" on the trunk lid, besides that it was badged as a Valiant.



This truck had a beautiful custom twisted metal bush grill and matching headache rack. It also had smoothed over box corners and a custom rear roll pan with what looked like quad Datsun tail lights inset. Sorry, my photo didn't catch that part, I'll have to go back I guess.



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