Slant Six Forum

new wheels (to me anyway)
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Author:  urr-lord [ Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  new wheels (to me anyway)

i was surfing the atlanta craigslist last thursday and found a set of 4 factory 4 1/2 inch bp aluminum wheels with all centercaps for 50$.these were the wheels usually seen on diplomats and mirada's.these came off an 82 lebaron 2 door.
i e-mailed the guy and he called me back friday afternoon.i thought they were gone when he called as the ad had been up a few days.but he said he had only had 2 replies and as i was the first i had priority.we set up a meet at his kids soccer tournament on saturday ,which was cool.this let me drive only 75 miles instead of 100!
the wheels are in pretty good shape, a few small scratches and discoloration.the dark gray accent paint needs touching up on two of them.any one got any ideas what shade this stuff is?one centercap is loose and on 3 of the 4 the black chrysler corp logo is pretty much faded out.i'll probably try to find some dodge ram head or pentastar stick on centers as they will be on an 82 pickup.
time to charge the cordless drill and breakout the mothers powerball and polish. :D

Author:  Wesola78 [ Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know the answer to your question, but congrats on a good score! :)
Those wheels look good, in my opinion.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is THIS the wheel design?

Dark Argent, maybe?

Author:  wjajr [ Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

1982 LeBarons had 14 inch wheels with four lugs. These were just tarted up K Cars.

Author:  urr-lord [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

slant valiant--yes that is the design.the guy i bought them from said he had used them on his 82 lebaron 2 door.said lebaron was a slant car,the slant died and he stuck a 273 in ,just to have something a bit different.but wife and kids have relegated the lebaron to a lot of garage sitting as a long term he was getting rid of some stuff out of the garage.

Author:  urr-lord [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

it was an 80-81 2 door lebaron.i probably mixed up the fact that my truck is an 82.

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