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Aluminum glove box insert - who's interested?
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Author:  Jopapa [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Aluminum glove box insert - who's interested?

I had an aluminum sheet cut to replace the cardboard back on my heater box the other day, and while talking to one of the guys at the fab shop mentioned the lack of availability of plastic glove box inserts. So we got to talking about that and I said I'd bring in a new cardboard one for them to look at. He guesstimated that if a production run were to be done on 'em, it could knock the price down to about $50 apiece.

They would be just under 1/8" thick aluminum (I'd have them use something that'd match the thickness of the cardboard as closely as possible), and be anodized black. Any felt or fabric lining would be up to the end user since that'd drive the price up quite a bit and options would be pretty limited.

So, who would be interested? This is the same shop that I had discussed doing up some stainless steel repro battery trays, but the cost even for a production run would've been astronomical so I nixed that idea.

Going to crosspost this on and see if there's any interest there as well.

Note: I am not going to make any profit off this. It's something I'm wanting to do for myself and figured I'd help out some of you guys in the process.

Author:  CARS [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Inserts for what year and model?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Yikes...

You can cut down on fab time, and make it easier for the fab shop by making the run in .025 aluminum, this will also keep your cost down greatly as 1/16" aluminum (.063) isn't exactly cheap right now, and if they can do them in less time it cuts down on labor costs (big $$$ there).
Also with the thinner metal they can die form the lips and edges better if needed.

A while back I had figured that 3 things would be neat to make out of our shop: glove box, replacement back plate for the heater box, and a #4 stainless steel cluster.

Make sure you get their shop rate for doing the work...most shops are only at $65 an hour, but on small jobs like this they consider it a nuisnace so will mark it up 30% or more per hour of work.



Author:  Jopapa [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Inserts for what year and model?
According to the list on Dante's, here is everything that the insert will fit:

67 Valiant/Barracuda
68-69 Barracuda
67-74 Valiant/Dart, 70-76 Duster/Demon
66-67 Coronet/Charger
66-67 Satellite/Belvedere/GTX
68 B-body
69 B-body
70 B-body
70-74 E-body

DI, good idea on the .025 to keep cost down. Shop time won't be an issue when it comes to actually fabricating them. It'll be getting the right specs and time it takes me to test fit it in my car that'll be the big initial cost. Once they have the specs and I've verified that it'll fit, they'll be able to bust 'em out pretty quick.

Author:  CARS [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm interested!

Author:  RDJ [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would get at least one, maybe two.

Author:  66aCUDA [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I would be in for 1.

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