Slant Six Forum

4 Barrel Offenhauser /6
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Author:  66ValiantCanada [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  4 Barrel Offenhauser /6

Hi all,

I am not much of a techno wiz. I did buy the 66 dart service manual when I did the renos. Based on all the good info I used from this site (and others) I was able to install my super six with little problem. Now I am ready to graduate to a 4 barrel intake. I assume the conversion to a 4 barrel is close to a bolt on operation if you currently have a super six. I currently have an automatic. Does it matter if is a 5270 or 5270-A Offenhauser manifold for my set up with my current 2 barrel super six? Anyone pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.

Anyone ask Offenhauser Ltd if they would be interested in doing a special casting lot for four barrel intakes ? I would be interested in something similar to the Offy valve cover scenario done last year. I am sorry I missed the opportunity for the valve cover, but I see there was interest for intakes. Would there be enough interest for 4 barrels?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Linkage hassles make this "not a simple bolt-on". See this thread for kickdown options.

...What makes more carburetor necessary in your car?

Author:  66ValiantCanada [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  Linkage set up

Hi Dan,

I read the information. There is no quick instruction for dummies I can see from the link you gave me. How much did the entire set up cost you. Money is tight for me and I do like to go salvage hunting. The linkage from a Dakota sounds interesting.

Can you send me a pic of your current set up. The carb linkage, bracket and kickdown linkage if it is not to much to ask. A picture is 1,000 words.

I am going to the ORO-Barrie flea market/classic car show in June. Perhpas we can meet their if you are planning to attend.

Author:  66ValiantCanada [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Power Gain

Currently I have a super six with stock exhaust. I intend to purchase Dutra Ds with a 4 barrel intake.

Before I do, what is the average horsepower gain going from a 2 barrel with Dutra Ds, to a 4 barrel with DDs?

Author:  Reed [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:35 am ]
Post subject: 

You can adapt the Super Six linkage to a four barrel carb fairly easily, provided the four barrel carb is oriented the same direction as the stock two barrl carb is and provided you keep the stock rear manifold when you swap to Dutra Duals.

I have to agree with Dan though. you may not need or actually want to switch to a four barrel carb. What other modifications have you done to the motor? I am assuming you have a 66 Valiant. Is the rest of the motor stock? Is this a daily driver or a drag car or mixed use or ???

Author:  Wesola78 [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 4 Barrel Offenhauser /6

Hi all,

Does it matter if is a 5270 or 5270-A Offenhauser manifold for my set up with my current 2 barrel super six?
I have an Offy 4bbl intake on my Volare's slant right now, but I'm using an adapter with a 2bbl carb.

Author:  66ValiantCanada [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  4 barrel intake

I intend to use my 66 Valiant (US Dodge Dart) as a regular driver, not for racing. ARe you guys saying I should keep my super six and just go with Dutras? How much are Dutras (front casting with a rear manifold provided for Doug to machine and fabricate) before shipping of course.

Why is is not a good idea to go with a 4 barrel for regular street use?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 4 barrel intake

I intend to use my 66 Valiant (US Dodge Dart) as a regular driver, not for racing. ARe you guys saying I should keep my super six and just go with Dutras?
That would be a much wiser and more cost-effective next step in your gradual process of upgrading the car.
How much are Dutras (front casting with a rear manifold provided for Doug to machine and fabricate) before shipping of course.
See Dutra Duals page.
Why is is not a good idea to go with a 4 barrel for regular street use?
Because with a 2bbl, you're at the point where more isn't better, it's just more than you need. Add in the linkage and tuning hassles in exchange for little or no improvement in driveability or power compared to what you have now (or even a decrease) and…what reason is left for switching?

Author:  66ValiantCanada [ Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the feedback Dan.

I will stick to my 2 barrel and spend a little more in getting the proper exhaust system set up.

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