Slant Six Forum

Can the ratio & bolt pattern be found by axle part no.?
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Author:  ppsi [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Can the ratio & bolt pattern be found by axle part no.?

I have a rear axle that I hope to retrofit ti 10" brakes. It is an open 7 1/4" -w-part number 2070051 cast into the housing. I'm wondering if this part number would indicate the ratio and/or the bolt pattern. It is in storage and I can't measure it right now.
I have a set of backing plates for the 10" brakes and I checked to make sure the bolt pattern to the axle was the same as the current 9" plate and it is (4 bolts to the axle flange) so I am hoping it is a matter of just getting the correct hardware, wheel cylinders etc. If anyone knows of any other parts I should start scavanging I'd appreciate it.
I know there is not going to be a huge change in the brakes due to the larger rear drums (I have disks in the front-w-LBP hubs) but the ratio in the current 7 1/4" rear seems like it is high and the list wife has for my girls to drive the car include 10" rear brakes and matching bolt pattern front & rear.

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