Slant Six Forum

What are the causes of oil burning?
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Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  What are the causes of oil burning?

It pains me to ask such a question but it is what it is.
A little background:
When the engine was first built it didn't burn a drop of oil. It has Total Seal gapless rings and bronze valve guides with Viton valve seals. Engine at this point had maybe 2500-3000 miles on it and didn't use oil.
Decided to lower the compression:
Pulled the piston and milled some off the top (where nitrous spec'd) and opened up the chambers some to bring CR down to 9.25 from 10.25. Reused the Viton valve seals and reinstalled the same rings (gapless) in same holes. Engine now uses about a quart every 700 to 1000 miles.
Just changed cam to a smaller one and at that time changed out the valve seals from the Viton to the rubber/teflon ones. Engine seems to still smoke the same blue/white as before. Engine uses NO coolant.
When starting there is always a little cloud and I am OK with that, although it more cloud that it should be. When driving off from any stop light or stop sign there is enough of a cloud that the drivers behind me seem to hesitate before leaving also. I've also tried to leave the line very softly as to minimize the smoke, but this seems to have very little effect. At idle there are little puffs of blue/white smoke. I am using Rotella 15-40
Check compression:
Where do you think my problem is?

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