Slant Six Forum

loose venturis (weber 32/36 DFEV)
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Author:  Wizard [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  loose venturis (weber 32/36 DFEV)

How critical is to have tight joint?

I can feel the play when I wiggle venturi when top is off but cannot remove it easily because of factory punch mark keeping venturi from coming out of carb's body.

If have to be fixed, there are options: I could either do o-ring but there a little issue and other option is drill and tap a thread and a set screw to push venturi sideways towards emulsion tubes and keep it secure with spot of threader locker.

I have a parts weber carb I take apart to learn on and discovered that there is no o-ring sealing and there is no room to create groove for a o-ring unless *rather* thin o-ring?


Cheers, Wizard

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