Slant Six Forum

Holley 1920 Carb 12R-4285B
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Author:  wilkiworks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Holley 1920 Carb 12R-4285B

In 2004, when I was unable to work on rig, a local mechanic installed a re-manufactured [I know!] Holley 1920 carburetor on my 1971 Dodge B100 Sportsman Van w/ 225 cid engine. Had it since it was new - it's my oldest friend. Never quit on me till I let someone else work on it.

Engine runs/idles well [actually "purrs"] until it reaches temp; then won't idle; backfires; hiccups; etc.
Engine has electric fuel pump, so mech pump is out & ECS backflow tube from carb is blanked.

Numbers on carb are 12R-4285B near fuel inflow; 0952 & 6156 on the E.C.S. valve block.

Van is my fishing & trailhead access rig, so have only put 1737 miles on this carb, but - - -
Issue is that I can't reference this carb number to buy tune-up and/or rebuild kit for me & my co-mech to work with. Not on your master list - can't find at
Anybody got a clue how to ref number? Or which kit to buy?
Or maybe just what's wrong?

Author:  Reed [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Sounds possibly like a vacuum leak being masked by the choke keeping the mixture too rich?

Author:  wilkiworks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Chcked for Vacuum Leak

Not saying there isn't a vacuum leak, but spraying carb cleaner around the pot when it's running buttoned up hasn't indicated one.

Have manual choke on unit and it seems to be operating OK.

Three of us have been scratching our heads fro several days on this.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  1920 Carb ID

Your looking in the wrong place for the part number.

The carb number is on the forward face above the fuel bowl. The fuel vent comes off that header.

Dan likes the Walker kits. On a 71 I would think any kit in that year range would be fine. I have at least 3 different brand kits that cover 1968 on up to 72.

Author:  Reed [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Did the motor run fine before the carb swap? Did the problems start immediately after the carb swap? have you put a vacuum guage on the motor to see exactly what your vacuum reading is and if the needle flutters?

Does the carb require the hole in the base gasket? Is that hole there if it is needed?

Have you checked the usual culprits? I am assuming your van still has the original points system on it, so have you cleaned and gapped the ignition points? Valve lash?

What jet is in the remanufactured carb? It is possible it is far too lean causing lean running problems.

Need more info to help diagnose the problem.

Author:  wilkiworks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Carb Numbers

Only numbers above the fuel bowl on the forward face are 0952 & 6156. Carb exterior is very clean - aren't any sides I can't see. Only "R' number is "12R-4285B." Can send a pic if needed.

Author:  wilkiworks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Real Need

My real need right now is which rebuild kit to by for the carb I got.
Don't really want to tear into it to check jet etc. until we got gaskets, etc.

I live in a small town, do have a NAPA store & and independent - neither one can ref the carb #.

Which Walker kit should I buy that would be more or less universal ???
Many thanks - - -

Author:  Reed [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Napa part number CRB 25461


Author:  wilkiworks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks

Gonna go work on it - so am signing off for awhile.
Many thanks to all of you!ing off for awhile

Author:  hemipar [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

When I found my rebuil kit last week at Advance Auto, they crossed ref the 6156 number in their holley carb book. It looks the same as the one noted above.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yours is a Holley 1920. The "6156" is the carburetor number. Original application was 1972 225/auto passenger cars with Federal emissions...or at least that was the original application of the main housing. There's no telling what-all components might've been thrown together to make this "remanufactured" carburetor. The Walker kit number 15519A, Walker float number 100-14. NAPA kits are stil questionable, try for the Walker item. Carburetor operation and repair manuals (and some training movies) are posted here for free download.

Author:  wilkiworks [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Purring again -

Well, almost - - -
Real close to idling and responding as I want it to - - -
Found a spare Float Bowl gasket, so we pulled the cover, reset the float, checked what we could while in there and on the engine. Buttoned that back up, found a vacuum tube that looked good but wasn't seated well, redid point, cleaned distributor contacts, etc. and "suddenly" the engine idled.
Test drive today, gonna go climb some grades and maybe go fishing!
Many thanks to all - - - I am gonna pick up and keep on hand some carb parts.

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