Slant Six Forum

130 Tooth flywheel, explosion proof bellhousing???
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Author:  Slanteast [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  130 Tooth flywheel, explosion proof bellhousing???

Good day all, I would like to use a 130 tooth flywheel, 10.5'' clutch with a explosion proof bellhousing from a 340 for my street strip build, in my 70 Duster SL6 / A833. My machinist can mfg an adapter from BH to the motor. My questions are: has anyone else used this combination? is there any starter issues or anything else to consider that I may not be aware of?
My engine will pull till 6000rpm, I am using Caltracs with 3:91"s on the street and maybe 4:30's on the strip with slicks. I want to be safe and minimize any power loss at the same time.
I would appreciate any and all comments.

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have an adapter plate and a Lakewood scattershield for that flywheel combination. My plate is made of aluminum, but you can just as easily get the Slant pattern drilled into the steel block plate that comes with the bellhousing.

I think a Quick Time bell is cheaper, but people seem to be having trouble getting them to fit.

The starter will go in the low position like a small block, so you may have header issues.

The flywheel will bolt on if you slot 1 mounting hole.

Author:  Slanteast [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Zilla, I'm using Hooker super comps....I wonder if the low mount starter will interfere with them?

Thanks again.

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