Slant Six Forum

title worries
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Author:  6365Abody [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  title worries

I bought a slant six 65 Dart from a guy on this site who bought the car off of Ebay from California. After 3 months I still haven't gotten a title from the guy I bought it from nor has he gotten the title from the guy he bought it from. What can I do when I am in Florida and the car is from CA and I bought it from GA?

Author:  phogroian [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:40 am ]
Post subject: 

It sounds as if the fellow from GA never had the title to the vehicle, either in his name or the CA owners'. Since the CA owner hasn't offered up the title, there is even some doubt that he has it, either. Contact the DMV in your state and see what the policy is for titling such a vehicle. In VA, for an $8 fee, the DMV will supply you with the owner's information, and you have to serve notice (via registered mail) that the vehicle is "abandoned" on your property and that they need to pick it up (after paying your expenses/storage fees). If they don't respond to your request, the VA DMV will issue you a title. I suppose there is the possibility that they could claim the car. I did this with an antique motorcycle that I bought at auction that had no title and no owner information, and now it's mine.

Author:  Will [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Ga is a non title state for old cars. Get a noterized bill of sale and take it to your DMV and get a title, they have to honor a bill of sale from Georiga.

Author:  6365Abody [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  title

Will, It only works that way if the vehicle was titled in GA, which it wasn't, and there was an owner's card issued. The man in GA that I bought the car from never had a title for the car either. The CA DMV says that I must take it up with the local FL DMV since the seller in CA refuses to come up with the title to the vehicle. So, I am calling the local DMV. Wish me luck.

Author:  Dart270 [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

There are services on the web that will supposedly send you a registration and/or title from certain states, like NV or VT, and then you can change to your state. I plan to use one of these to get a title for my '66 Valiant racecar.


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