Slant Six Forum

Torque Converter going bad?
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Author:  Eric W [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Torque Converter going bad?

When Reed and I R&R'ed the engine in the Satellite, I pulled the TC to replace the pump seal. Well, the TC droped on the floor. There where some strange sounds, like ticking, coming from the trans afterwards, but went away. Now, in the last few weeks, it sounds like a wheel bearing rumbling from the front. Also, I have to shift to neutral to fill the converter up before it moves. I've shifted the trans in neutral while driving, and the sound goes away...shift into drive and the rumbling is back. It also makes the same noise reving the engine up in park/neutral. I'm thinking the TC is shot, as the trans shifts fine, both up and down shifts. Its also leaking from the pump seal, again even though a new one was installed (yes, I oiled it after installation). Opinions?

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