Slant Six Forum

Dual Weber Setup *PIC*
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Author:  ProLineFuel [ Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Dual Weber Setup *PIC*

Hello, just wanted to introduce you to a new intake carb set-up that is available.

Its an Offy Intake machined to fit two downdraft weber carbs. Fully tunable. Nice set-up. ALL NEW.
See at <A HREF=""></A>

Thanks for the ad guys.
Chris Jones

Author:  brokenmachine [ Fri Apr 26, 2002 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual Weber Setup

Just a question... roughly how much power does this make? How difficult is it to keep those webers in sync? Especially for folks with lead feet like me...

Author:  Doc. [ Fri Apr 26, 2002 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual Weber Setup *PIC*

: Hello, just wanted to introduce you to a new
: intake carb set-up that is available.
: Its an Offy Intake machined to fit two
: downdraft weber carbs. Fully tunable. Nice
: set-up. ALL NEW.
: See at <A HREF=""></A>
: Thanks for the ad guys.
: Chris Jones
: ProLineFuel

Thanks for the info. / update Chris, great job getting some ads in the recent Mopar Mags.

Here is a look at one of your set-ups I saw at a recent car show, it is in a SL6 powered "Cop Car"!


Author:  ProLineFuel [ Sun Apr 28, 2002 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual Weber Setup

Weber claims 15% increase bolting a weber on anything. When I ran this on my stock Duster, it really woke the car up, however I have no hard numbers or dyno tests. They are downdraft carbs..and since going into a shared plenum (crossover in the intake) they are no problem. The Webers hard to keep sync'd are sidedrafts where you would have a carb per cyl/ These are a breeze.

DD - Yeah that car belongs to one of my first customers Frank Furtaw. Really a neat guy. Did an awesome job on the set-up.
: Just a question... roughly how much power does
: this make? How difficult is it to keep those
: webers in sync? Especially for folks with
: lead feet like me...

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