Slant Six Forum

need some comments on aluminum quad intake manifold...
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Author:  NEGOC8R [ Tue May 05, 2009 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  need some comments on aluminum quad intake manifold...

pros and cons on installing an aluminum 4bbl intake on a slant 6.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Tue May 05, 2009 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here we go again. :roll:

Author:  Reed [ Tue May 05, 2009 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 


It's shiny
It's light


It's expensive

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue May 05, 2009 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

The reason why you're getting sarcasm instead of helpful responses is that the question cannot be answered as asked. Putting a 4bbl on an otherwise-stock engine in an otherwise-stock car: Poor idea. Putting a 4bbl on a modified engine in a modified car: Maybe a good idea. We really need a lot more info on your engine and your vehicle.

Author:  68barracuda [ Wed May 06, 2009 3:13 am ]
Post subject: 

to ad on to Dan:

What performance mods have you made, what is in the cars future - realistically.

The reason why I am running a 4BBL 390 4160/50 on my 68Cuda is that when I bought it it was what I had handy - engine was without intake or carb

I have since accuired a - what you would call Dodge Dart Demon - Valiant Charger over here - it has a True 9.3 CR from the factory- cc ed it last night btw, came stock with a 2 1/2 inch exhaust system and a better cam and a BBD, and believe me - it has more punch than the cuda with the 390 4bbl.

Author:  wvenable [ Wed May 06, 2009 5:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Check the article section - there is all kinds of good info there. And don't worry I have asked plenty od silly questions myself. :oops:

Author:  MichaelS [ Wed May 06, 2009 6:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Fanie, what year is your Charger/Demon. I didn't know you could get a factory 9.5cr head or a 2.5in exaust stock and how better is the cam?How come we never got those back here in the states? Where were the South African cars built?

Author:  68barracuda [ Wed May 06, 2009 12:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fanie, what year is your Charger/Demon. I didn't know you could get a factory 9.5cr head or a 2.5in exaust stock and how better is the cam?How come we never got those back here in the states? Where were the South African cars built?
1973 - but looks Like US 70 71 Demon

9.3 Cr - the engine was known as a Charger power wil post pic of Aircleaner decal - the cam is a RDP patern - I am sending one to a cam grinder to get the true specs later this month - they where - from what I have gathered a reaction to the Australina charger - Open question Dan might be able to help BUT By the time the Chargers where built over here in 73 Chrysler RSA was stamping its own Metal at the Silverton plant in Pretoria

Dunno but I think Chrysler saw the slant as an Econo motor - Dan If I am not Mistaken Export Slants where offered with 2bbl BBD's since 67?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed May 06, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Yep...

How come we never got those back here in the states?
I think Chrysler saw the slant as an Econo motor
That pretty much sums it up, for America the slant six was a "get me to work and the grocery store, and take the kids to ball practice" engine, nothing more, nothing less. With dwindling octane, increasing smog regulations, and strangling regulations to provide certain mileage quotas in the 70's/80's the slant never really evolved past the super six phase (which was just the next lower option than the 318-2v)... Also since mopar had dumped a fair amount of $$$ into the muscle car and racing program, the accountants weren't going to plug too much more $$$ into something they already knew would meet the requirements of a bread and butter mill... I do find it interesting that in the 1976 parts catalog they do mention:
4041314 short engine/forged crankshaft/std compression
4071072 short engine/cast crankshaft/std compression
4041316 short engine/forged crankshaft/low compression for export
4071073 short engine/cast crankshaft/low compression for export

So what was used to make the 'low compression' version, there aren't any 'special' parts listed for these...

It's funny to see that other countries got to go down interesting paths that the US didn't have $$$ to invest in or able to get the idea past the EPA...


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed May 06, 2009 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Low compression engines were sent to markets (e.g. South America) with low-octane fuel. The compression was reduced to about 7:1 by means of different pistons; DI, check parts type code 9-34-5.

It's really a damnuisance how there's only minimal coverage of export components in most of the U.S. FPCs. And the coverage is random, at that; low-compression engines sent to South America = yes, 2bbl carburetion setups sent to Mexico and elsewhere = no. The Canadian FPCs are somewhat better, but the Chrysler subsidiaries and contractors building their own cars (Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Switzerland, Spain) were also printing their own parts catalogues.

And other countries didn't have the U.S. EPA or NHTSA rules to contend with, but that definitely doesn't mean they were unregulated markets. In the Dart/Valiant era, cars in many markets were taxed according to engine displacement and taxable horsepower (a bizarre formula having nothing to do with actual power output, involving such factors as what you had for breakfast that day and the phase of the moon). There were also local-content requirements, requirements based on local market customs and conditions (tires, brakes, suspension, instrumentation, equipment). And then there were technical regulations that differed from those of the U.S. (lights, seat belts, reflectors, electrical hookup), etc.

Author:  68barracuda [ Wed May 06, 2009 10:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

damnuisance- I could not agree more

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