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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:43 pm 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2003 6:49 pm
Posts: 28
Location: Orange County, CA
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Hi All,

I'm a slant newbie.. (My barracuda was a 273 car, then a 360 car..).. Someone robbed me of my 67 Notch this past weekend.. It was my daily driver for 8 years.. (see info below.. the link will get you to pictures..)

I'm looking at a real decent looking 67 Valiant with an 83k mile 170 (hasn't been run in about 10 years.. it runs, but coughs and sputters from all the junk in the tank).. It's a 3-speed manual car.. Sounds like a great platform to go 4-speed with.. My Barracuda was a 360 - 904 car, with 73+ brakes and suspension all around.. K-member was reinforced and all that.. But, at the same time, I don't want to destroy a perfectly good slant car by dumping in my 360.. All things considered, it could use a freshening up (it's a .040 block.. lots of mistakes made when building that motor..).. SO, my question is--

What can you do with a 170? I was reading in the article section about making it a stroker motor, but that seems a bit expensive with all the grinding.. I'm junkyard friendly, so maybe putting a junkyard turbo on it would be interesting.. I'm trying to avoid something too over the top though.. (If Clifford's reputation was a bit better, I'd go Hyper-Pak, but ... yeah.. I hear about all sorts of delays with shipping and stuff..)

Anyway, is the 170 a viable platform, or is it just easier and simpler to replace it with a 225? Or, better yet, do I do a rattlebomb rebuild on the 360 and bolt up with I already have? I'd just hate to trash a slanty.. The car isn't likely to be my daily driver anymore (too scared to lose another one..!), and I'm not drag racing it every weekend.. I'm looking for a good reliable cruiser.. Something I can enjoy on weekends or something..

Thanks for any help you can send my way..


I don't really check because I'm so busy with teaching.. But, I thought you guys might appreciate the lack of progress on my 67 Beatercuda restoration.. It WAS my daily driver..

This was the email I sent to the Barracuda Owner's Group..

Oh, cruel fate. I knew I should have skipped my school event and just
gone to the BOG get together at JYH's place..

...I got a call while I was at an academic competition with my MUN
students... Mom says "you need to talk to this police officer"... OH
CRAP.. Did I do something wrong?

...He's sorry to tell me that my car has been hit pretty bad by an 18
Year Old kid driving Daddy's '07 Mustang GT convertible. My parents tell
me later he already has 2 violations on his record (ie: I imagine they
mean speeding, red light, or illegal u-turn.. moving violations, yah?)..
Apparently he took the corner (residential neighborhood, 90 degree
natural right hand turn.. 25 MPH posted speed limit), probably clipped
the rear tire (hence the rim damage), spun it right into my car.. Pushed
my car into the curb HARD.. hard enough for me to find a chunk of bondo
from my curb-side quarterpanel in the bushes a few feet away.. The
underside of the passenger quarter (towards the wheel well) is jacked
up.. Front fender dented at the back.. Door punched in hard (sorry Alan,
that bench seat is done for...).. Ripped the door striker out of the
body.. Not even where it was metal fatigued (YEAH, Ma Mopar!!).. It tore
the whole sucker out.. Quarter panel is DONE.. Folded it in a way I wish
I'd never see again.. Mangled one rim (cop cap is okay.. but I JUST
powdercoated those rims 2 months ago).. Trunk is FUBAR (couldn't open it
to get my stuff out of there).. Passenger door won't close easily at
all.. Had to use all my force repeatedly to get it to even latch..
Passenger fender is okay (but mostly bondo anyway).. Tow hitch looks
great, though.. Definitely reusable.. Exhaust looks fine.. Engine looks
fine.. She'd probably even start and drive if I could.. But.. yeah..
She'll donate any parts she can to keep the rest of the school of
barracuda alive..

...The father is very apologetic to the police officer (he's in his
early 50s.. he understands the significance of losing a classic car),
but it's unlikely I'll receive full compensation for what the car is
worth without some sort of protracted civil lawsuit.. I mean, I wasn't
even there to witness my car's final moments.. If I had been in the car,
I imagine I'd be looking at (at least), a busted leg, sideways whiplash,
and maybe even a shattered pelvis.. My rear passenger would be in a
world of hurt..

The kid is lucky I wasn't there.. I would certainly have tested my
self-control.. Let's just say the police officer complimented my parents
on how calm and collected I was on the phone.. I'm still of the opinion
that "life happens"... And, at least I wasn't IN the car.. And, that the
ol' girl will be (with JYH's permission) towed over to the Rooster Yard
and disassembled for good parts.. I'll need to buy her back, of course..

So, what I'm saying is... In lieu of flowers, please make donations to
your local junkyard..

And, anyone got a lead on some old Detroit Steel? I'd like to stay
A-body.. I'd even go El Camino if the price and condition was right..
(read: good paint, overdrive trans or manual trans.. Air conditioning..)

...But, really, not much can bring back the Beatercuda.. She was my lil'

Mopar On, Brothers..


73 Plymodgillac ... 353884166/
67 Valiant V-100 (170ci, 3-on-the-tree, and in exploded view - suspension)
67 Barracuda Coupe (RIP 04-01-2001 to 04-25-2009)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:59 pm 
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Car Model: 2023 Eichman Digger?
We have some folks out here racing the 170. "Wayne's World" is in the 12's....

Don't sell the 170 short. It can rev up much higher than the 198/225 high deck engines.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:11 pm 
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Dang, looks like you are going to have to leave that child behind! What do you teach?

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:25 pm 
Turbo EFI
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If a 170 is what you have, use it!
I'd sure use it before going over to the dark side with a V-whatever. :wink:
Look at it this way - a lot of goodies you'll put on a 170 will also fit a 225 if you still want more cubic inches and one comes along later.

"When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it." - Pointy-haired Boss

1964 Valiant V200, 225/Pushbutton 904

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:42 pm 
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The only 170 I ever owned was in a '64 Valiant with an automatic and the car moved along just fine. I found it to be exceptionally smooth and vibration free.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:53 pm 
4 BBL ''Hyper-Pak''

Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2003 6:49 pm
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I teach History.. I did US and World history (10th and 11th), before the budget bumped me over to the middle school level where I also teach World History (only, 500-1500 years earlier.. hehe)..

Sounds like with a 73-up K-member (urgh, bayonet mounted '67s...) the 170 might be a fun little runner.. Something like a sewing machine :)

I have so many v8 parts, though.. Ack.. From exhaust manifolds to exhaust to intake.. Well, all that can change I suppose.. Or, I can shelve those parts for a while until I feel the need to drop out the slant for a rebuild.. Can't wait til I can get behind the wheel of another old mopar.. The PT Cruiser I have as a rental car really doesn't do it for me.. Even the PT GT is just "meh."


73 Plymodgillac ... 353884166/
67 Valiant V-100 (170ci, 3-on-the-tree, and in exploded view - suspension)
67 Barracuda Coupe (RIP 04-01-2001 to 04-25-2009)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:44 pm 
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Welcome on the board, Raj. Sorry to read of your Barracuda's demise. If daddy was so understanding of what it means to lose a classic car, why did he turn sonny boy loose in a Mustang (for cryin' out loud) in the first place, let alone after two violations?!! Sounds like grossly negligent parenting to me.

Anyhow: Yes, there's a great deal you can do with a 170 even before you get into big modifications. Best to start by defining — very specifically — your goals for the car. What do you want it to do, exactly? How will you be driving this car? Where? When? How often? On what kind of gasoline? What amount of performance improvement will be satisfactory? What fuel economy do you require? What kind of budget do you need to stick to, and is it a budget just for the engine, or do you also want the car to steer and stop better, etc.? Once you've spent some time thinking and planning on those goals, we can guide you specifically to parts and techniques to go for (and those to avoid).

It's fun to page thru Clifford's catalogue, sure, but they are not the most cost-effective or trustworthy vendor, and they tend to push excess (too much carburetor, too much manifold, too much camshaft, etc.).

This below isn't a shopping list or a build prescription, just ideas to get you started thinking:

First off, tune-up parts and technique suggestions are in this thread, and you'll want to do a valve adjustment. Slant-6 carburetor operation and repair manuals (and some training movies) are posted here for free download.

The factory Super Six 2bbl intake setup is a very good upgrade when equipped with a good example (i.e., not a parts store "remanufactured" item) of any of several suitable 2bbl carbs — Carter BBD, Holley 2280, Stromberg WW. Factory 2bbl kickdown linkage or see this thread for kickdown options.

Electronic ignition with carefully dialled-in advance curves and HEI upgrade

Dutra Duals collected via a "Y" pipe into a single 2¼" headpipe, your choice of muffler and tailpipe.

One of the well-developed new Slant-6 cam grinds from Erson

1.70" and 1.44" valves from Engnbldr, see here; hardened exhaust seats and bronze valve guides.

A good engine buildup with careful attention to detail — CC the combustion chambers, blueprint the oiling system, etc.

Disc brakes, upgraded torsion bars and shock absorbers, P205/70R14 tires.

Upgraded Seat belts that actually work so if you're unfortunate enough to be in the car when the next overprivileged 18-year-old comes along, you stand a chance of surviving intact.

Upgraded headlights and brake lights and such (real ones, not the toy junk sold to kidzzz), but only because I'm a lighting geek :lol: :cool:

Too many people who were born on third base actually believe they've hit a triple.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:25 pm 
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If you decide to pitch the 170, let me know... I would like one for my '66 Valiant...

I have a 225 to trade with fresh mains and rod bearings, all new gaskets, new timing set, etc., :twisted:


1984 D100 Shorty Custom
Certified Auto Appraiser - RevItUp Classic Appraisals
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Part of Tyrde-Browne Racing

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:21 am 
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Good to have another teacher on board! I have taught sixth grade for a number of years and just made the move to fourth. Welcome.

66 Lil' Red Piggie Valiant (Mater Crusher) - Thanks Zilla!!!!! 72 Demon (Number 1 Son's)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:45 am 
Turbo Slant 6
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Wel wel - Hi Raj fellow BOG member here Welcome - Your is really sad

Fanie Gerber
It's never junk, it's just a part you're not currently using
Just say I own a few Mopars

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:33 am 
3 Deuce Weber
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First of all, I'd like to ditto the welcomes to the board Rajr

Listen to Ol' Dan there. He knows more about the Slants then all your V parts combined.

For a good weekend warrior, the Slants hard to beat in reliability. I have heard some storys about the engine that would not die!

And your Orange County! Nice. Just missed te SPring Fling over in Woodland Park

My Car Domain

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:18 pm 
1 BBL (New)

Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:26 pm
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I had a 170 in my 69 valiant, later replaced by a load of a 225, and then a decent running 225 w/cam, offy etc. I wish I had left the 170 in it...

"What is the riddle of steel?"

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:37 pm 
TBI Slant 6

Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:40 pm
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Another one who likes his 170 :)

Head shaved a bit, and ported and polished.
Comp Cams 252
Carter BBD from a 76 Dodge truck 318
2 1/4" exhaust

The carb made the biggest noticeable difference by itself, but all of this together is good for me. I think this has decent go, and I've had guys that have 383s or 440s with more money into their engine than I have in my entire car tell me that my car sounds really nice too.

I'm going to get her painted soon, and then I'll probably upgrade to some 14" rims, so I can fill the wheel wells properly.

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