Slant Six Forum

Idler Arm installation tips?
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Author:  Scott Woebcke [ Sun Apr 28, 2002 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Idler Arm installation tips?

The idler arm is noisy...sloppy, scary on the freeway.What do I need to do to get this thing on and off. The oil pump is in the way. How can I jack the engine up an inch or two to get the bolt out. Are those bolts easy to get at parts stores? My dad suggested we just cut the damn thing out and get a new bolt...heheeh beats jacking the engine up.

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Sun Apr 28, 2002 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idler Arm installation, Car year and model?

: The idler arm is noisy...sloppy, scary on the
: freeway.What do I need to do to get this
: thing on and off. The oil pump is in the
: way. How can I jack the engine up an inch or
: two to get the bolt out. Are those bolts
: easy to get at parts stores? My dad
: suggested we just cut the damn thing out and
: get a new bolt...heheeh beats jacking the
: engine up.

The idler arm design went through some changes over the years and is different between body types, the worst idler arm set-up being the 60 - 67 A-Body single post units.
What are you working with?

Author:  Scott Woebcke [ Sun Apr 28, 2002 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Idler Arm installation, Car year and model?

It is a 72 Swinger slanted of course.

Author:  Tim Keith [ Mon Apr 29, 2002 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: steeringbox swap

Can I swap a power steering box for a manual box with no other steering changes (other than the column), assuming I get the box from the same year A-body?
: The idler arm is noisy...sloppy, scary on the
: freeway.What do I need to do to get this
: thing on and off. The oil pump is in the
: way. How can I jack the engine up an inch or
: two to get the bolt out. Are those bolts
: easy to get at parts stores? My dad
: suggested we just cut the damn thing out and
: get a new bolt...heheeh beats jacking the
: engine up.

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